A Quick Question.

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New Member
Alright, So I have something I need to get done by Monday. And I need to print off the mkv chest. I have internet at home but no printer. So I came to the local library and they won't allow me to install pepekura designer 3. I am not needing full size or scaled so that I can assemble I just need an print screened image of the file unfolded and 3d. If anyone could send me an print screened image to blalocklorie@gmail.com it would be great thanks. So yea I guess not really a question but more a request. But, yea thanks.
DreadMullet said:
will the library allow you to put Cardstock in their printers? And you just want the standard scale Mk5 chest?

Nope they wouldn't allow me to put cardstock in the printer and wouldn't allow me to install pepekura designer 3 off my flash drive or download any programs or files. I have the program and file at home but no printer. And yes I'm just needing the standard scale Mk5 chest.
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SchizophrenicMC said:
And I was just about to say try Kinko's...

Kinko's more info bout who they are or where located as this problem may come up a lot for a bit.
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You could have just installed pep 3 directly onto the thumbdrive and run it from there. That's what I do with a lot of my programs. But since you already found your solution my advice is pretty useless lol.

Good luck though.
Yea i had the set up on my flash drive but couldnt install and express way thanks for the idea thanks. Hopefully soon I'll have money for a printer and cardstock and ink. I want to work on some projects so bad im like dying to and so bored at home so on here like 24/7 lol
SakuraKun said:
Kinko's more info bout who they are or where located as this problem may come up a lot for a bit.

Um you don't know what Kinko's is??? Also! If this was a quick question it should have been posted in the "Have Question? Don't

Bother With A Thread" Post. I am only saying this to prevent ban or warning on your account. Please try to post your questions there and try posting important stuff on threads. Such as a build with pics. Without pics would be "No pics or didn't happen." Or tips. Anyways be a tad more careful next time. Thanks!
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i do the same thing as psychopanda. i install pepakura designer to my flashdrive and then i can print w/e. as for kinko's, omg, idk how u dont know what kinko's is. wut it is it's a fed-ex "store" where u can take stuff like files and the likes and they will A) print it out or :coolblow it up to a larger size for ur personal needs. they do bunch of other stuff 2. look em up, im shure they got a website :)
DeathOfBlades said:
Um you don't know what Kinko's is??? Also! If this was a quick question it should have been posted in the "Have Question? Don't

Bother With A Thread" Post. I am only saying this to prevent ban or warning on your account. Please try to post your questions there and try posting important stuff on threads. Such as a build with pics. Without pics would be "No pics or didn't happen." Or tips. Anyways be a tad more careful next time. Thanks!

Alright. Sorry. Thanks for the warning. And know I'd never heard of kinkos.
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tomb-stone said:
i do the same thing as psychopanda. i install pepakura designer to my flashdrive and then i can print w/e. as for kinko's, omg, idk how u dont know what kinko's is. wut it is it's a fed-ex "store" where u can take stuff like files and the likes and they will A) print it out or :coolblow it up to a larger size for ur personal needs. they do bunch of other stuff 2. look em up, im shure they got a website :)

Thanks. I'll keep that in mind.
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Actually, if you just find the program files for Pepakura, just drag them into your thumb drive then you can run it straight from there no problem. Only problem other than that is the cardstock issue.

I'm sure you can find the location of any nearby Kinkos locations by looking around. (EDIT) On the internet that is. :3
1diotic Gen1us said:
Actually, if you just find the program files for Pepakura, just drag them into your thumb drive then you can run it straight from there no problem. Only problem other than that is the cardstock issue.

I'm sure you can find the location of any nearby Kinkos locations by looking around. (EDIT) On the internet that is. :3

Thanks. And I'll go out and try to find a Kinko's in the area tomorrow such a big town lol.

It sux tho caz I want to work on a new project so bad. I havent got to in like 6 months, and I got internet access again but no cardstock or a printer hopefully soon.
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Actually, I think you can send them a file, with instructions on what you want done, then they mail it to you. Not sure, but I can look it up.
1diotic Gen1us said:
Actually, I think you can send them a file, with instructions on what you want done, then they mail it to you. Not sure, but I can look it up.

Nice thanks. Be easier for things I can go pick up though. Don't really wanna buy it online as I don't really want to wait just scale and go print. Lol. Guess I'm just in a rush to get to working on a new project.If they are online though it would be nice to get it mailed to me b/c it shouldn't take to long to be sent and would be very convenient.
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