Ambitious? Or just Crazy! And What a Halloween!

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So Halloween has come and gone and I had fun. I won my first costume contest sponsored by my work, pretty much got 90% of the co workers to vote for me but they also think I'm a cheater cause of what I like to do.
I came out dressed in my first Colonial Marine armor with a Neca facehugger latched onto my face for the photo op while my competition....well......lets just say it was an easier win than the presidential election.
STILL, I had a lot of fun, and I scared some kids, that's all that matters right?

Now then....
A few years ago before I had a big move to a new house I had an opportunity to pick up one of Sean Bradley's infamous ODST suits. So it's been actually like sitting there in my storage closet across the hall for over 3 years and I have finally taken the time to go over the instructions and my god....86 pages?! I mean there's a lot of detail and a lot of thought put into this and the instructions certainly help in getting you an idea on what to do.
I've been getting a lot better with my strapping and building skills.....well more with strapping than building. So I'm hoping I am finally at a place where I can go and start putting this thing together and not feel like some kind of a nimrod. I guess wait and see and hope for the best? I might even make a thread for it once I start making some solid progress.


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