Halodude's Armor Progress

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Jr Member
well, he's whati have sofar, i'm working on the right legs now. i thought you guys might like some



thanks guys. yeah, last time i posted progress pics, i only had the black, and people kept saying "oh, that's a stupid color, you need to change it, i don't like it" and i kept telling them, it's not the only color i'm putting on it, just chill. but yeah, thank again. i really need to try and hurry up and finish it though, for the neko con (nov 6) or at best haloween (not likely though unless i work on it every day, but that and college don't mix too well).
thanks. i almost have the legs (both) finished actually. i think i can make my haloween deadline :) makes me so happy. but while doing the legs with fiberglass resin, for some reason it not solid, it's rubbery..... not like it would come apart, but like it was meant to be rubber... it's flexible which i guess is cool since that's where i'll have the most movement. i'll get pictures up tomorrow. oh, and i'm getting a new phone tomorrow!!!! so happy again!!! the lg dare (i know it's kinda old, but it'll be brand new and touch screen, so i'm happy)
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