Helmet Help

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Firstly, I should show you what I'm making, so you can see what's going on in my head. It's a simple design (initially) made of 4 distinct parts. The helmet in 2 sections, the visor, and neckguard.


This presents me with no problems.

What does present me with problems is the detail I plan on adding to the helmet. Basically I'm looking to underlight the helmet with red LEDs, in a tech style similar to Baldur's face, from Too Human...


... only in red. I plan on using fibreglass to make the helmet, but I don't know how to underlight the helmet without losing the smoothness and strength of the helmet.

Also, the helmet will be white, the visor will be red, and I'd like for the surface to be white without the light on, so the helmet looks smooth.

It may be asking a lot, but I would greatly appreciate any help available on this subject.
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