I Need To Stop Wasting Paper, Don't I?

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I don't have any pictures at the moment, of my failed armour that I scale to fit but then it doesn't fit me...

Before I actually started on heavyweight card stock, I practiced on regular paper, but kept starting over and over and over (wasting precious ink!) because I just couldn't scale most of the things to fit... Especially the calve and thigh area, it's the desired length just not the... well width. ^^ (ha). I dont even wanna know what's gonna happen with the torso piece. And I'm doing splendid with the arms, because hooray! they actually fit through the holes. ;'(

Any advice...?
Well short of making your own 3d models to fit you, try adjusting your armor. There are a number of places that you can add a bit to the width of your armor where it all connects together, sort of a seam allowance on paper, that you can use to make it fit properly. I made a few pieces for my toddler, and ran into a problem similar to yours. With her body size a piece that was the right length for her limbs was too narrow to fit properly. To fix it I cut the tabs a little wide on everything, and by adding about a millimeter to each seam around it made a wider model that didnt adjust the hieght. Hope that helps rather than confuses you hehe!
ArmouredApostle said:
Well short of making your own 3d models to fit you, try adjusting your armor. There are a number of places that you can add a bit to the width of your armor where it all connects together, sort of a seam allowance on paper, that you can use to make it fit properly. I made a few pieces for my toddler, and ran into a problem similar to yours. With her body size a piece that was the right length for her limbs was too narrow to fit properly. To fix it I cut the tabs a little wide on everything, and by adding about a millimeter to each seam around it made a wider model that didnt adjust the hieght. Hope that helps rather than confuses you hehe!

Completely off topic comment from myself here.

You made a suit for your toddler?!

Once again, seeing all these parents creating suits for their children is just simply awesome. Beats the pants off any bought costume thats for sure.
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ArmouredApostle said:
Well short of making your own 3d models to fit you, try adjusting your armor. There are a number of places that you can add a bit to the width of your armor where it all connects together, sort of a seam allowance on paper, that you can use to make it fit properly. I made a few pieces for my toddler, and ran into a problem similar to yours. With her body size a piece that was the right length for her limbs was too narrow to fit properly. To fix it I cut the tabs a little wide on everything, and by adding about a millimeter to each seam around it made a wider model that didnt adjust the hieght. Hope that helps rather than confuses you hehe!

Oh, all right, that makes a bit of sense. :)

And DUDE! A suit for your toddler? Your kid is super lucky. :pI wish my mom or dad made me a MC suit when I was a toddler. ;'( Then again Halo wasn't even out when I was a toddler... :unsure

Anyhow, again thanks!
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