Length Converter

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Spartan 001

New Member
Well After I did a bunch of rummaging through the forums I read a lot of questions from people asking to to help them scale their size for pepakura.. Like what does say 6 feet equal in centimeters(which is 182.88 by the way) As I am also a lazy person and don't like doing math unless I REALLY have to, I use my cell phones converter but to make sure it was coming up correct, I went online and found me a converter and it is(just the cell phone actually rounds up for me)

Well I did some searching and didn't find one of these threads on the forums so I figured I'd start a new one and share my find with everyone here


Enjoy, hope it helps someone else out there
True, you could use an online version but I like to have it on hand in case of internet failure or if I just don't plain feel like getting online(though I guess you could just use the work offline) but to each their own I guess.
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