1st Build Mk7 Multiplayer Spartan Build progress


Re-worked boots, No more stompers for the time being
Unfortunately this suit has had 7 events and I've had my fair share of it.
I am retiring it. And will be remaking it to be lighter, more comfortable and easier to transport

One can hope, anyway. I'll update as I go. :)
Is it going to be the same Spartan but just new parts or new attachments? I’m just curious :)

Welp, went back to my roots. Did a mark VII helmet with a branfuhr visor! Apologies for the lack of build updates, been busy.

also went and reprinted my chest plate, as I got tired of the 12 pounds of fiberglass and plastic. Reprinted my forearms, they're larger, and lighter. How does that work?
No idea.

Also decided to print the antlers I modelled! Ignore the blue chestplate. That's Emp Frosty :p


heres how the Mark VII looks with the MA5 Evolved I modelled as well.
proportionally getting there! Armor is no longer unfit.
I'm slowly reprinting my suit one piece at a time

And just to keep the messages down: I have more plans :p

I mean this just screams at me to do it. I'm finally gonna print that gravity hammer I made forever ago!
sorry for the long read! I'll keep posted!

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