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New Member
Do any pictures that are in your signature show up on my computer when I post or does it just show the file directory.
mod. lock this now. please.if u have a question like this, try reading ANYONE's armor file. and if u still have a question, pm the q/a team. please. dont eat up bandwidth.
Fire said:
Does pepped mean you have finished and glueing the pepakura object? Also do any pictures that are in your signature show up on your computer or does it just show the file directory.

will pep = going to do in the near future (future tense)

pepping = doing currently (present tense)

pepped = done with the glueing process (past tense)

not sure what your question is on the second half of your post

@ flip:dont we also have unlimited bandwith now because of the site update?
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