Noble Team: A Reach Collaboration Wip

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Wow! Looks way better than the prototype! It looks so clean! I was worried about the gas tube, but looks like it came through.
Yeah, most everything turned out well. Obviously a little bit of cleanup is needed, but it's not bad. It will be much easier to solid cast these with additives to make them strong but light. Watch for updates on that front.
Well pony, ask and you shall receive. But only because you asked so nice :)


Damn... i can't wait to see that painted!
I will be casting the mag separately later, but it will be static. As far as paint, I won't be painting one for a while, but I will be using bed liner on the grip to give it the textured look.
I've casted several rifle rounds for upcoming projects. Eventually I plan on making detailed magazines that show off the ammo. I've designed the mag to be compatible with not only 7.62mm ammo, but the 9.5mm ammo as well. The DMR and the Halo 2 Battle Rifle will use the same mag.
Alright, thanks toforged reclaimer and his epic modeling skills, I have a new update. So you have seen the thigh that I'd did earlier and the insane amount of work it took. Well, rather than go through the torture again, I pepped out the new thighs. They are fantastic. Now, I have what you might call thunder thighs. So the height is great at 15 inches, but it was a tad tight at top and loose at the bottom. So I did some customizing. I split down the center of the inner thug portion, gapped the top an inch, feathering down. Then in cut up the bottom 1 7/8ths of an inch and brought it in a half inch. I added in my own supports, being sure to not where they were placed and the sizes so that I could match it on the other thigh before resining etc. And here are the pics:



I knew that would happen, i was concered with the Rubber section and how thin the model looked. But i built it to the reference (same as in its pack) and that's how it was.
small update from my end i was just about to start finishing up the ace high jorge BFG but my wife threw out the final pages so im at a stand still untill her computer is fix unless someone still has it. i know that it was asked to not destribute it but i already had it just lost and need it again,,,lol
That really sucks kasper! Wish I could help out. Got started on the other thigh. Will see how much I can get done tonight.
@ forged reclaimer. I knew that I would have to mod the thighs, I always do. I think they will fit most people just fine.
Yes, that would be fully functional picatinny rail. Made from scratch by tactonyx. He really did a stellar job.

Small update, got the other thigh done. Matched all the custom supports so the two sides are identical.
Next on to resin and hardening, probably Monday for that. Then to find somewhere I can bondo in 30 below weather... Hmm. Well, here's the pics:


Those look terrific. And you finished two in a matter of days? Amazing. What are you going to end up doing with the first thigh?

I think our thighs might actually be roughly the same height, I scaled mine to 398mm and had it tight at the top loose at the bottom too. Is there any advice on how to get a good measure for it? Should I just cut it down the middle like you and lightly tape the bottom into position? Oh, and how did you deal with the corrugated detail?
As for the first thighs, I will probably send them to serpent zx to finish as he pleases. Otherwise I will be scrapping them, unless someone wants them. There is some serious bondo work that need to go on the second one to get it up to snuff with the first one. So if a good 15 to 20 hours of good bondo work doesn't scare you, let me know, you are welcome to have them. As far as the little details on the inner thigh, I discovered that little mistake when I started to build them, I adjusted it for my second one and will send the update to forged reclaimer along with the unfolds for the new Jorge helmet and the biceps. As far as adjusting the thighs, I simply split them down the inner thigh/undersuit portion and made custom inserts for how much space I thought I would need. It was an inch at the top and tapered down to nothing. Then I split the armor part of the inside leg from the bottom coming up 2 3/4 inches. I then just pulled them so they were overlapping a half inch and glued them. Hope that makes sense and helps a bit. I will take some pics of what I mean and pot them up.
wow............i cant believe whats going on here, im new and everytime i look at updates in this thread i almost fall out of my chair, due to how high qualitly this work is, it seems a waste to fill this awsome thread with negativity.

loving all the work i see here brandon cant wait to see whats next
As far as the ruze helmet, there is just something about it that doesn't feel right. It looks like he got most of the general idea right, but it just doesn't seem to fit quite right. I think it might be that it's too flat on the front, or tapers too narrow on the bottom. I am only going to say this one last time. I prefer the a1td file. I have both and have built both. And i like it better. Ruze did a much better job than I could hope to do without years of practice, it is just not the file for me. Deal with it.

Now, on to the update. Got a new unfold done and decided to try my hand at it. It's a wonderful file and it went together surprisingly quick and easy. I love it. Of course, there is some small tweaking headed, like there always is with pep, but the bones are spot on! So, check this out...







This is the new file by forged reclaimer and forged, can I just say a huge thank you, it is nice to have a solid bicep file. I really do like it. And the tweaking is minimal, nothing a couple minutes with a Dremel and sanding drum won't fix. So, watch for it soon on his database!

Oh, and the sale is a height of 8 1/2 inches not including the little antennae thing, which is a separate part, which is very convenient. You will all love it.
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