Pepakura Requests

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S-Braynt said:
I suppose no one is working on anything TF2 related? If you got anything please post

hey s-braynt, I can try to get you those models... just a few questions.

1) Do you want textures? because that will take more time...

2) Are you fine with a .obj file?

and 3) Do you want all the weapons I can possibly extract? or do you only want a specific few (if so, just list them for me, I know each weapon by their name)

also, Im currently building a flare gun for a friend... feel free to check out My Blog if you're curious

send me a pm or an email with what you would like and Ill get back to you as soon as I can
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i wa woundering if anybody could model and unfold the arm gaurds for terra and aqua from kingdom hearts birth by sleep

i will try and put as many ref pics up as possiable









Item Name:

Shivering-isles dark-seducer armor.

Item Source:

TES Oblivion (360 Dlc shivering-isles)

Reference Picture(s):

Addition Info:

I stole those images from google, sorry. 0_o

I've played the downloadable content on 360.

I don't have the game for PC, other wise I'd screenshot

a whole bunch of images of the Dark seducer from various angles.

(---And thank you.)

Predator Celtic Mask

Comes From

Alien vs Predator







More Info

It can have the floating faces. Doesn't have to have the lights.

Oh and I did think of the front part being sliced, but what ever you want to do is fine.
okay since s-bryant hasnt replied, heres the TF2 files he requested all in a .rar together

all the models are .obj and includes:

-the grenade launcher

-the sticky launcher

-the sniper rifle

-the rocket launcher

-and the direct hit

download here: 4Shared - TF2_Models.rar
Item Name

Halo: Reach, Recon Helmet

Item Source

Halo Reach

Reference Images



Additional Info

With seperate attachments please?

Existing File Link

So my head will fit into it not sure yet on how I will get my head into it by craneing my neck whether I want to bend my neck and put my head in through the back or through the bottom. And I would be seeing out of the eyes.
The only Issue I see is the eyes are so far apart... at that rate, you may not want to re-scale it too much. However, I will definitely re-unfold it, I'll smooth it out.
I was hoping to get Brak as well from Space Ghost but the file was tricky so I gave up on it the jaw and the head were two seperate objects and trying to get them together perfectly was a nightmare.
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a grappling hook from just cause 2

Item Name:

grappling hook

Item Source:

from the game "Just Cause 2"

Reference Images:

these are the best pictures i can find.


Item Name

Game Accurate ODST grenade

Item Source

Halo 3 ODST

Reference Images


Additional Info

Sorry the pics are a little small, but there all I can really get. =/
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