WH40k Black Templar Space Marine WIP (of sorts)

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Das Brutus

Well-Known Member
"I get by with a little help from my friends..."

3 folks have helped out with this build. Since Das Wife's illness, I had little time and even less money, so it looked like this halloween was going to be a bust. Two members of the forum and one great prop maker helped me out this year... really all that needs to be done is to complete painting on the armor and chainsword, and to complete assembly and paint of the bolter

To the three that came to my aide (and you know who you are)... I thank you from the bottom of m' heart!

Enough of the sap, here are the pics...



Again... detail paint and "Black Templar" specific markings need to be finished, chainsword paint to be finished, and bolter needs to be put together and painted...

Whatcha think?

Das Brutus
Very Nice! I've always wanted to try Space Marine armor but one of my friends had the thought that i wouldn't be able to move very well if i was to make the armor perfectly to scale, whats your views on this? Have you had any problems with movement so far?
since the suit is plastic, there is slight loss of movement while bending the forearms... but the shoulders are attached by velcro to the torso, allowing alot of movementof the total arm... no less movement than in a plastic chief suit, and that is very important to me since I wear mine to work... and you'll need to learn to navigate doorways and through people... very wide. VERY WIDE! hehe

Also, you'll notice that my thigh pieces do not wrap the thigh. Many examples of thighless or just plates (like mine) in the artwork of WarHammer. I'm still undecided if I'm going to wear the thigh pieces... but I would highly recommend NOT wrapping your thighs up. Not having an enclosed thighs allows for better movement.

BTW: Besides being a bit thick in the midsection these days, I'm only 5' 10"... This suit would fit someone up to 6' 5" in my opinion... if shorter than I? You'd need to scale it down. HOWEVER: remember that mine was carved out of foam by a friend, not pepped, but all the pepped pieces I've seen have the correct proportions. You need to see the shoulders coupled with the forearms. As a complete look it's perfect... singularly it's a bit off.
Very nice! Do you have any pics of the build process. I am also doing a scratch build and would love to see how this all came together. Unless it is trade secrets, haha.
paint, paint, and more paint

Unfortunately I've no build pics... as a friend was the sculpter... but here is one of HIS pics... you may refer to him as "The Master of The Chapter"

There are many ways to paint your chainsword, and I opted with the "Chapter" scheme. Keeping the colors bright, bold, and simple. (paint in progress, not complete)

The helm has many different ways to be painted... I went with the "negative" cross look. It helps the blue of the lenses jump up and slap you in da face! (paint in progress, not complete)

This was an easy one! Drybrush the skull and wings, touch on the rivets on the buckle... easy! Still needing to blacken the collar, drybrush some detail on the hoses, and then hit the whole with some hammered black and gloss...

Again... paint in progress. Still to be done: some hammered, some high gloss white and black, and some very high gloss seal. Next is to put the crosses on the shoulders and white knee (3 crosses)... then the finishing paint...

Till next time,

Das Brutus!
Very awesome, especially the upper body sections.

I have thought pretty long and hard about some day doing an Astartes costume of my own. One thing that I thought of, and I think that this would benefit from, is building very bulky, stilt-like leg pieces. Something to raise the height of the wearer at least half a foot. An Astartes is supposed to tower over men, and that would help sell that image, as well as making it seem less top-heavy. The legs would need to be braced internally with some hardwood and/or metal, which might be a bit tougher to pull off, but the effect would be worth it. The outer leg itself could be made by wrapping a sheet of bender board around into a nearly cylindrical truncated cone with an open end for your knee.
GOOD GOD ALMIGHTY! Was that done so far with smoothcast? If so I want to know your source, because this is going to be my next project after I complete my H3 Marine. Das that suit is beyond awesome and now I'm even more hyped to build a suit like this.And is that the Darth Malgus Helmet up there on your shelf?
@Patrik-You can get pepakura files from me which mine are on http://Pepakuracostuming.wikia.com, or you can get them from Samuray, Judge or Amancue I think they all have suit files.
1) This was (is) a sculpt, not by me and not done by pep... however there are peps to be found here for the Space Marine
http://www.405th.com/showthread.php/18092-Beaky-Space-Marine-Wip just follow the .pdo links, or this link http://Pepakuracostuming.wikia.com as said in the above post from Nintendude

2) upon examination, the pieces seem to be original sculpts, with some plastic to reinforce... I'm looking into that... but if I'm right, it explains why they are uber light

3) the helm in question is a Star Wars Clone Trooper AirBourne Helmet

4) If I could manage the stilts, I would... the best I can do is "lift shoes" making me 6' 2"...
Well, if you are not doing the legs, one thing that this costume as-is made me think of is an Astartes initiate from a scout company. Take off the helmet, add a camo cloak, and that would be the perfect size and armoring for a scout marine.

But then, the Black Templars do not have their initiates form into scout companies, so that nixes that idea. Though you might want to consider getting some chains to wrap around your arm and affix to the bolter, and maybe get a small lantern to hang from your belt, just for the extra fluff benefit. :)

Heresy! There is no god but the Immortal God-Emperior!
Sid is a kind and generous fellow.

I'm going full Space Marine... Full armor... Just 2 feet 2 inches shorter than my bretheren... hehe
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