Pics of LegacyFX suits at EMP Launch event

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Well-Known Member
I barely took any pictures due to a combination of wearing armor, lack of camera, lack of mobile assistant, and generally being distracted by awesome, however, here is one image someone else took:


And the HaloWaypoint folks were kind enough to let me go down and see their costuming room where they had people suiting up in the Legacy FX armor.

They had the Kat suit there as well as two new suits: An elite and Noble6 with a jetpack. The man in the Noble6 suit was a towering 6'4"

Here are links to the flickr thing with pics. Time to board my flight home from Seattle now!

Looks like its all vac-formed. It's weird that the collar is part of the armor and not the undersuit. The paint job is what really sells it all. GAWD can I haz armour indeed.
Holy moly! These pictures are awesome!
I'm trying to find any pictures of Thom's armor from the trailer and this has definitely helped.
I'm hoping to find more reference pics that will hopefully encourage me enough to actually look at building Thom's costume, with jetpack + DMR.

I wonder if I can contact LegacyFX to see if they have any molds of the armor. I'm 6 foot, so it shouldn't need too much adjusting I should think! :D
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