My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic

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Anyways, I saw a blue Hayabusa one too, that one was kinda cool.
You know, MLP is actually getting scary now. Everytime i sign in to DeviantArt, the page that loads right after i click login (the Newest Submissions page) always has at least one or two ponies on it. And i sign in a lot of times in a day and that's every darn time. :confused

Meh, oh well.
That's what the Germans said when the Nazis came into power. Look how that one turned out. :(
They also said, "Fur blut und ehre!" I think that one turned out worse.

Anyway, I've said it before, I'll say it again:
Rule 3405th: If it exists, there is props of it. No exceptions.
That includes modified pony toys :D
Ok, I have to get in on this strange, slightly demented thread..

This seems to explain what happens to the average person that is sucked into this evil my little pony obsession:


In short, if you dont want to get sucked in, DONT WATCH THE SHOW!!! One episode could be the difference between having a suit of Halo armor in your basement and having a pink suit of halo armor in your basement with flowers and rainbows on it!!!
having a pink suit of halo armor in your basement with flowers and rainbows on it!!!
LOL! That doesn't happen here, my friend...unless you're Donut.

The only thing from MLP that we would add is a cutie mark...unless we want to be like donut.
Ok, I have to get in on this strange, slightly demented thread..

This seems to explain what happens to the average person that is sucked into this evil my little pony obsession:

(Image Removed to save length)

In short, if you dont want to get sucked in, DONT WATCH THE SHOW!!! One episode could be the difference between having a suit of Halo armor in your basement and having a pink suit of halo armor in your basement with flowers and rainbows on it!!!

I survived Test watching one episode and didn't get sucked in... Does that make me the "Chosen One"?

errr. not sure if this means anything, but, i think im goin hard again. ma borniness is slipping. should i be worried? been watching redvsblue. the pony, versus the spartan.(or elite!)
Being very stubborn and closed-minded. :D

I'm not close minded. I watched an episode, i didn't hate it and i don't hate the people who watch it, its just not my style of show. That being said i see some of the reasons people watch it so i know why so many are being converted to bronies.

Its not a matter of close minded, just a matter of interest.
And that was all in the name of fun... at least in my perspective :p
Well, maybe from you, and I have to give you credit for trying it, but then there's mister shotgun-in-my-mouth over there, and mister unite-or-die-against-the-ponies, and a whole bunch of unsolicited hate.

So, my birthday's monday. Tomorrow, I'm making cupcakes, with cutie marks on 'em. :D
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