My Custom Reach Build

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Recon Drone

New Member
This is my first set of armor. I plan for it to look like this with the HU/RS attachment on the Scout helmet:

Notice the red visor

I have the left arm, right thigh and shin, and right shoulder all pepped.

Security Shoulder

Right Shin

Right Thigh

Yesterday, I fiberglassed the left arm and it started raining. Is that bad?
I resined the shin, thigh, and Security shoulder; they got a bit warped.

Security shoulder

What should look like a thigh


All the pieces are warped. Is there a way to fix them?
where'd you get the armor screen shot at?

even better where are u gonna get a red visor at?

and you might have put the resin on too thick or it wasn't mixed propperly, it all has too do with the amount of moister that is absorbed into the paper
As for you warping problem, first a few questions. What was the weather like (severely humid weather can ruin pep models fast)?
How much resin did you put on the model? Where there any supports in the models?

There are a few fixes, but they are precautionary measures, which means that the parts that are warped are pretty much lost and you will need to start over.

First, after you finish the pep, add bracing supports. Supports can be dowel rods, foam board, cardboard or any other rigid material that can hold up the pep while it is soaked with curing resin. Many models have supports included, and many are sufficient, but some are not and need to be supplemented with extra bracing.

Second, resin the pep in sections. Only resin small sections at any given time, that way only a portion of the pep is soaked. After a few sessions, when you have covered the entire pep, give the whole model a second coat (all at once, no need to work in sections at this point). After the second coat, your pep will be sturdy and ready for hardening.

I would actually recommend both options, support and working in sections. This would guarantee that your pep will not warp or only minimally.
As for you warping problem, first a few questions. What was the weather like (severely humid weather can ruin pep models fast)?
How much resin did you put on the model? Where there any supports in the models?
I used enough resin to have a thin layer on the shin, thigh and shoulder, I didn't use supports, and the weather is in the 95 - 105 range. The armor is still flexible, though.
pep job looks good, next timme before resining you can try reinforcing and bracing with Popsicle sticks or something of that nature.
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