N00b help armor tips!

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New Member

i am new to the 405th and need some help on starting to make armor. I have paperkura 3 installed along with the armor files. I have a pc and can't find these files to put in paperkura. HELP i need to find these files.

i also need some help on scaling. i am 13 and am very small and about 4'9. Any help or suggestions?

How muck supplise do you need for a full suit? referring to cardstock, resin, bondo, and paints.

Any other tip will HELP Alot

i hope i get alot of help and get to making armor soon :)
Unfortunately, we can't give much help since there's just too much information to share in one go. The best advice we can give, and your best option is to read the Sticky threads and tutorials in this forum, the Creation Discussion forum, and the Pepakura and Cardboard Armor sub-forum. They will give you just about all the info you need to get started. If you have any additional question, please ask them in the appropriate "Help!" threads in this forum instead of creating a new thread just for your question(s).

If you have downloaded the Pepakura armor files but can't find them, search your computer for .pdo files. Just double click to open like any other file; they will automatically be opened using Pepakura Designer if it's installed. I suggest you keep better track of your downloads anyway.

We can't tell you how much supplies you will need as it's different for each suit and person. Just buy what you need as you go. On that note, I hope you realize that a basic, decent suit can cost hundreds of dollars (or Euros) to complete. I wouldn't attempt to do an armor suit if you can't fund it properly.

There are several scaling tutorials posted. To get started, check out the one in my signature. It's short and simple, but it gets the important information across.

Good luck.
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