Looking for 405th Members to join the a German Promotion for Halo 4

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Well-Known Member
Hey guys.

like i said in the german thread for all the german and austrian members around here... ive got an email from the Product Manager for Halo at Microsoft Germany.
He asked me arount for some information about the "german leadership" of the 405th global communty.
ive told him that the 405th is a communty unlike the 501st and the great base of the community is located in the usa.

so he asked me directly to get the support of many german members of the 405th communty (board) who wants to be a walking act on upcoming promotions for the halo 4 game release which is lunched this fall.

the story is... that the german members are countedable and the users who have an armor done or in the final steps are limited.

so... the promotions are some events, exhibitions and press events in local gameshops and so on. the travel will be financed (local travell) and the daily expenses also.
i dont ask you to get in the plane from america and wear your armor at the local events for ... maybe one day. but i want to mobilises everyone who lives right near the german borders in the neighbor countries.

this isnt a fixed event and some agreements will follow but its the first step for an encounter of the eurpean 405th members who loved to be at the american dragoncon and so on...

the product mananger of the german microsoft xbox halo 4 team told me, that they will plan an other event like this in the UK and the USA also... they have much experiences with the 501st in the past and they want to involve the 405th in the promotion of the halo 4 title and the maybe the following...

for the german area its possible to get early access to play the halo 4 game befor the game will be released on the 6th of november.

i tried to make this official because i added Adam on AIM and write him a PM about this. hope everyone join together to geht the 405th popular like the 501st of the star wars franchise.

best regards.
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