Google Sketchup 3d model importation Help Needed.

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Seth Knight

Well-Known Member
Alright, I try to ask only questions that are necessary and relevant to this forum. I need help with importing a high poly/large model into Google skethcup. I know skethcup isn't the most powereful modelling software out there, but it's the only one my abilities allow me to use at the moment. Is there any solution to this, using sketchup, or will I have to learn blender or another program?

What is it you're trying to import? Sometimes, if an OBJ's poly count is high enough, importing can make the program appear to freeze up, you may even get a notification that the program is "Not Responding." A lot of times, it's just because Sketchup is taking forever to import the file. Try to wait it out. I've had to wait upwards of 5 minutes for an OBJ to be imported (I'm in the same boat you are, I don't know much about Blender yet, but I've been using Sketchup for 8 years).
I also only know how to use sketchup, riding just behind carpathia at about 7 years. just let it do its thing, it may take a while but it should import it given enough time.
Sorry to interpt in your thread, but I also use Sketchup and have a question, how to you convert a Sketchup file to obj? I use the free version that doesn't let me export to obj file.
Sorry to interpt in your thread, but I also use Sketchup and have a question, how to you convert a Sketchup file to obj? I use the free version that doesn't let me export to obj file.

The way I do it is to export the file as a .DAE file, then import that into Pepakura. I then export the model from Pepakura as an OBJ (you have to unfold it first, but you can just click "unfold" for this application). There are probably export plugins available, but this is the way I do it because I usually use Sketchup and Pepakura with each other.
Okay, I've imported the obj. file... and now I'm waiting, hopefully this works!


p.s. (maybe this should be the google sketchup help thread lol)

......Still Not Responding :(
What file are you trying to import? Would you be willing to send it my way to see if I can do anything to get it imported?
Sorry to interpt in your thread, but I also use Sketchup and have a question, how to you convert a Sketchup file to obj? I use the free version that doesn't let me export to obj file.

This may also apply to Seth's original question but I'm not sure. I haven't done any large poly count transfers from SketchUp to Pepakura. I have a very similar situation in that I am used to older modeling software so Sketchup works well for me. I downloaded an plug-in called "Export to DXF or STL" ( for my sketchup and the STL files are usable by Pepakura. (I believe the instructions are there for installing the plug-in for use in SU)

I create an object in sketchup.
select which portion of the model to export (or it will ask if you want the entire model exported)
use the Extension... Tools>Export to DXF or STL
Choose your export units: I use millimeters, as that is what Pepakura uses so it transfers perfectly.
Choose the file type (which should be STL)
save the file ** NOTE! You may have to manually add the extension ".stl" to your filename for Pepakura to read it.
Open the file in Pepakura and assign the orientations.

I was able to measure my wife for some armor in millimeters, transfer it to sketchup (using millitmeters), then export it to Pepakura without changing the scale! It came out perfect.

I did have to unfold it but I think it might be what you are looking for, Phoenix.

Seth, you could try this method and see if it speeds up your load time, but I honestly have not done anything very elaborate.

Good Luck!
Sketchup does take a while when loading large HD items e.g needle rifle. You just have to be patient and let it run its course.
Does anyone know if sketchup has a data limit? Like a model being over 1,600 kb impossible to open? I've waited for other models I have had, and they've worked, but it's not looking good for the 1 model I want.

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