WIP Kat B320 AND Mark VI Master Chief build, PIC HEAVY!

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Jr Member
Ok so after a long hiatus, I am back to making costumes again! I am not going to be moving any time soon and I finally have a balance between life, work, and school to be able to start working at this armor again! I will be doing Noble 2 Kat B320 for myself, AND Halo 3 Mark VI Master Chief for my boyfriend. At first he thought I was extremely nerdy when I told him I wanted to make this armor, but now that he's seen some of the completed peps, he's down to wear a suit and help me make it! This will probably be a slow updating thread, BUT I am DETERMINED to get these armors done!

I'll probably update this post as updates go on, and possibly give links to the pep files I used if enough people ask for it.







I don't have a mannequin so I had to make due...


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Pep looks great. I have to use elmers on my pep. Looks like you are using hot glue... I could never get it to work right. Besides I always wound up with glue webs from my fingers to the pep to the couch....Used it on the foam, but no talent here with the pep. Kat helm...Cat... nice.
good luck and you know what they say. a couple that nerds together stays together lol
Well here are pics of the right forearm I started and completed today!




No point in taking pictures with me wearing it since it's meant for the bf who is 6'1" and I'm 5'7"

Next post, HAND PLATES! and tomorrow I will be making a run to home depot to buy some fiberglass resin so I can start that process on the already pepped pieces


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Best suggestion I have is make a pair of duct tape dummies. Takes a couple hours and $40 and you can test fit and pose everything whenever you want. Get a full body painters suit and 4 rolls of duct tape from home depot, do at least 2 layers perpendicular to each other and stuff it with old clothes or pillows or poly stuffing from Walmart.

Thanks! I was wondering what people did, not sure if I have enough old clothes, but maybe some towels or blankets? I tried making the hand plates but sized them horrible large so i'll have to redo it, BUT I have completed the cod piece and I'm not working on the thigh. doing the whole right side then I'll complete the left. Feeling rather optimistic about having this done by halloween, but I don't want to get my hopes up too high yet! Pics tomorrow!
Looking good so far! Tip : When you use hotglue for your pep work, it may haunt you later when it's bondo/sanding time. Trust me. I learned the hard way.
I use hotglue for all of my work. Some people though have had issues where they sanded through their model when bondo/sanding, and hit the hotglue. It gets all sticky and is hard to clean up at that point.
I made my duct tape double by filling with scrunched up newspaper and old phone book pages...you will need quite a few pages :D
Ok so it has been a while since I updated. Bf decided that instead of a rushed build for halloween, he wants to take time in it and do the high def pieces and wear the costumes for comic-con and halloween next year. So this year we will be Tony Stark and Pepper Potts. I might show pictures of the arc reactor I'm building just for funsies, but I have completed pepping the following for the Mark VI armor:
R Bicep
R Forearm
R Thigh
L Thigh
R Shin

Pics will be posted later, probably once I have finished pepping the rest. My goal is to have all pieces resin'd by the end of this month
Well here are the pics of the peps that I've done. some are high def and others aren't. I'm most likely going to do them all in high def.




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where did you find the file for the kat helm? I've seen some on the halo reach pep page but i dont think that one is up there...right?
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