Venator wip

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New Member
Howdy boys and girls I've finally decided to post a wip of my venator armour I'm working on.
I had a previous build thread but it wasn't going the direction I wanted so I got it closed.

Currently I'm building this for the 2014 Adelaide comic con and will further improve it over the years until its got all the lights and stuff like that that people put into their suits.

I'm also going to be replacing the gauntlets, gloves, boots and shins with my own venator concept armour.

At this stage I hve finished all building except the helmet as I'm going o leave that out for now.

Ill use the first few posts for my armour.
Well it's been a while but here is my first finishe piece

More to come hopefully soon, feed back would be great :), also this paint is a heavy duty weather proof paint to prevent scratches and thins like that, the only bad thing is the gloss lol
Oh, no it was intentional as the first lot of pictures, post 2, will be for finished stuff and then post 3 will be for current projects, as I haven't finished anything to the pointy were its painted and wearable I use both for photos.
Okey dokey a bit of an update, minus a pic, so ever since the start of this build I've had issue with sizing my legs, this is most likely due to the fact I'm fairly stocky and my legs are quite large.

To put it in perspective in order for the peped file to fit the inside clearance would have to be 21cm from front to back and 20cn from side to side, as most files are ony about 16cm I have to scale quite a bit and by the time I get it to the right fit the height of the thigh is comical.

So I've been scratch building them and I've had a few issues, but now with the new way I'm doing them I hope to have them both done in atleast 2 weeks.

When I get home from work ill edit this post to show some pics, thanks for your patience
Okey I said I was gonna edit the above post but I'm not going to, so the below picture is the method I used to get an acurate girth measurement of my right thigh, simply it's just foam bent around my leg.

This next image is the template I drew around the outside of the foam, giving my self enough room to harden and then line my piece with the same foam used in the girth measurement.

This last image shows the near completed thigh, just adding detail and thickening it with more card.

Ok so that's it for now, my next post might not have anyt pep stuff in it but it will contain something else.
You wouldn't have the file for that Venator chest on hand, would you?
I've only got a foam unfold one...
Ok I've got a question for people who have used cardboard in their builds, I'm coming upto hardening and I was wandering if there was any thing I need to know about applying resin to my cardboard? Also how did people cover up the holes in the ends of the cardboard?
Ok I've got a question for people who have used cardboard in their builds, I'm coming upto hardening and I was wandering if there was any thing I need to know about applying resin to my cardboard? Also how did people cover up the holes in the ends of the cardboard?

You can just resin the cardboard just like cardstock. I would cover the holes with cardstock before I resin it.




Ok so here is my finished thigh (right) It's only low def for now, but this is the general shape, I continue the angular segments found on the back of the venator torso, I'll eventually turn this into a pep, but for now it's just a cardboard build
Howdy everyone a bit of a progress update I'm finished building for now so I'm up to hardening, I've already hardened the inside and outside of my toe and heel caps.

I think I'm going to complete each piece before moving on to the next ones, I have a question though I've heard about applying body filler to the inside before fibreglassing to take out air pockets I was wondering what the pros and cons are?

I'll post some photos later
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