Props Magnetized Halo reach magnum.

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Been working on this for a bit. Magnets installed in the Reach symbol that screws to a wall and in the Magnum. Got a few leds in the symbol as well. Thought it would be a great way to display it and possibly useful if magnets were installed in a suit. Used mdf for the symbol but will probably cast it for urethane for other copies. I did a partial cast of the magnum then installed the magnets and filled in the rest of the cast. I believe I used n50 strength magnets, they have a pretty good bite.
I also made one without magnets, it just rests on aluminum pins, that's the last pic.
Those are awesome looking magnums. I love all the displays! How hard is it to knock the gun loose is it were attached to a costume?

It would really depend on how many magnets and how strong they are. This has 2 n50 magnets in each piece and it wont fall off. Its a very strong bond. For a suit I would probably use 3 on each side , meaning 3 in gun and 3 in suit.
I saw this on ebay. Didn't know you were selling it. It's definitely nice looking. I need a weapon. XD Seriously though. I do. I don't have one for my costume. XD
Hey Smick! I just bought one of these beauties a few months ago and been trying to see if I could magnetize it for a suit but it seems ill need magnets already built in or risk destroying it trying to implant them. What other solutions do people use? Velcro is too noticeable, Glue is permanent lol, maybe a legit holster?
Smick! Great work once again!! The use of the magnets make it feel like it is in the game! I've always wondered how the guns just "stick" to the rack on the wall, now you've given us the answer! haha!
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