NOTICE: Regarding Posting Privileges

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Well-Known Member
We are currently in our formative stages. Many aspects of the forums must still be ironed out before the regiment system can be flushed out.

The 405th Pacific is currently in the process of transitioning off of Facebook, where we previously resided, back to the forums. To that end, Art was gracious enough to give us subforum prior to even the Division charter being written.

However, we currently do not have any formal application or membership system in place, and may not for some time. If you are interested in participating in the 405th Pacific, please send a PM to SpaceMeat with your location and a short introduction. I will compile lists periodically to get people access.

Posting is currently being granted manually and it may take a while for those who wish to participate to get access. We appreciate your patience in the matter.

If you have any questions, please feel free to PM me or Spacemeat.
Back from comic con! I will start collecting usernames and submit another batch for approval by Friday.
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