Southern Regiment T-Shirt?

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Halo Master

Okay, I had an idea that we could put the southern reg. logo on a t shirt. The reason I thought of this i because say I'm at a con and I dont have a suit finished. I could wear the t shirt and maybe walk around with someone who does have a suit. Kind of like in Adam's video when he went to Wal Mart in his MC suit, he had people with 405th t shirts on. Maybe someone could expand on this, but that is my idea.
Alright, since my previous post got deleted for no reason:

I'd like to see some 405th Southern swag, but I'm fairly sure Art said not to start on the ball with this sort of thing until he'd gotten generic 405th swag up and running.
yeah what if we have haft a suit done but wants to wear a ODST t-shirt could we have something like a patch we can put on a sleeve?
well guys judging by what the brass is saying I won't be able to make you're shrits after all but any ways lets just keep things on the old 405th rules for the time being because I don't want to file paper work just to ship props off to others.
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