Props Ironman WEARABLE Arc Reactor: Pic Heavy!

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Jr Member
Hello to anyone reading this :) I know ironman isn't really the most popular thing here on 405th, but I felt the need to put this on here anyways. This is not meant to be a tutorial, however, if any of you would like me to put up the steps for how I made this and what I used I will be happy to oblige. So without further ado, here is my step by step progress of making a WEARABLE arc reactor.


^molded the ring using polymorph (on ebay) and some spice lids

^used electrical tape for the background on the wires

^stripped some wire I found in my garage and wrapped the wire around the electrical tape

^Found a pipe cover thingy at OSH that fit PERFECTLY on the inside

^drew the design for the inner metal ring thing on cardstock 110

^began cutting

^cut out and painted

^cut pvc pipe for center area

^placed inner ring to see if symmetrical

^tested center LED with polymorph molded center

going to have to double post for the rest of the pics, SORRY!


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Here are the rest of the pics, sorry for a double post!


^I ended up not using the center ring in this pic, but used small screws and made brackets

^cut strips of electrical taped and placed on the inside and painted pvc pipe tube

^LEDs glued all in place

^Back of the reactor

^stripped all the wires and twisted them together

^soldered them together

^Finished front

^Finished lit up

This isn't COMPLETELY done simply because I'm debating if I want to solder in a switch. The back casing I'm going to use will be a peanut butter lid which I will paint. I still have about 25% of the peanut butter left so I'm going to eat it all before I take the lid.

This is my first attempt and had no help from tutorials. I know it might look so-so but I'm proud of it :D any questions or comments, good or bad, feel free to post!

I will probably post again once I have the back and switch installed as well as the strapping complete :)



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that looks awesome! what did you use for materials? I just finished putting on the backing and straps today and will finalize it tomorrow and take pics
Wow this is awesome looking, cant wait to see more :)


SO friday was the party and the arc worked PERFECTLY! except for the fact that the arc started to dim after about 2 hours, BUT we we're under a black light so it still lit up pretty well :) Unfortunately the pics we took didn't come out too well, so I just quickly put it on to show you how it looked completed and ready to take on the night as tony stark!





So the bottom straps don't actually go THAT low, I just didn't want to pin them up in place. They are meant to go over the shoulders to hold it up, so basically it was a man bra lol. Hope you liked and thanks for following! The MK I arc is completed, and I will probably make a MK2 down the line, but for now I'm pretty proud! I'm thinking about cutting the cord of an old lamp with a switch and connecting it to the arc reactor so I can make it a sort of night light to hang up on my wall in a case or something, or just sit on a shelf :p


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1. Make sure the voltage for the lamp is the right voltage for the LED. IE don't cut a cord if it plugs straight in to the wall, it has to have some sort of regulator to bring it down. Otherwise you'll be able to tell the fireman what started the fire. Radioshack has some cheap plugs. Just tell them what you need it for. Or maybe don't tell them, they're stupid sometimes...

2. Awesome job.
1. Make sure the voltage for the lamp is the right voltage for the LED. IE don't cut a cord if it plugs straight in to the wall, it has to have some sort of regulator to bring it down. Otherwise you'll be able to tell the fireman what started the fire. Radioshack has some cheap plugs. Just tell them what you need it for. Or maybe don't tell them, they're stupid sometimes...

2. Awesome job.

thanks anomoly40! One of my friends is way more advanced with circuitry and electronics in general so he's going to help me put everything together haha. I tried watching a few videos to help me get an idea of what to do, but I couldn't understand any of it. Hopefully I'll have it done before Thanksgiving and I will post pics when it's done :)
Cool. As a kid and I made new toys out of old toys. I had a bunch of toys let their smoke out and not work anymore. LED are easy, you probably have one of those power adapters laying around that look like the picture below. I'd just go to Radio shack and get the part it plugs into. I'm assuming it ran off a battery in the pictures, just find the "Output Voltage" that matches the battery you used.


What kind of Battery did you use and how did you hook it up?


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I used an A23 battery (12V DC) and it just touched the wires in the back. Look at the pics I posted and you can see where I twisted the reds together and the blacks together so i made a housing that let me just pop in the battery and have the twisted wires touch each end of the battery. One of the batteries I used actually exploded the other night, scared the crap out of me since I was watching The Walking Dead at 3am in the dark by myself when it happened

Please don't die. I suggest using a 9v battery as the A23 outputs 12v at 55mah and the 9v is 200-300mah. Those fancy numbers mean longer run time. You can find a 9v plug at Radioshack for a dollar or so. Plus they don't usually blow up.
Ok so here is my arc reactor NOW running on ACDC power instead of a battery! :)


^Taken apart


^The custom battery holder I made for when this ran off a battery


^Here it is plugged in and beautiful! I just spliced the wires from an old power supply that is actually using 9V DC and soldered it to the existing wires :) Now I have an awesome nightlight :D


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Sweet, now you just need a little holder that says "Proof that (your name) has a heart".



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O... M... G...

This thread is going to be so incredibly useful when I get to making my own Arc Reactor, though I will probably make two, one for wearing, the other for in the chest of my Mk. IV.

Good Day!, Marvin
Lol I'm going to make a stand for it, but eventually I will do the whole "proof that [my name] has a heart" but it will be for my next one which I will try to make more movie accurate :D that wont be until after xmas when I can start spending money again haha! Ehekky if you have any questions feel free to ask! When I make the next one I wont use these LEDs again. Too much power consumption, 12V is not the way to go, but prewired is definitely a WHOLE lot nicer for people like me who know nothing about electronics
Very nice work. If you plan on a future build, i suggest you look into EL wire or tape. This can be found on ebay or in more limited quantities, radioshack. Essentially, it's a length of wire or tape that emits a uniform glow. It can virtually be cut or shaped into any configuration. If you've ever seen Tron Legacy, it's what the costuming dept used to light up the tron suits. Something to look into. Anywho, this was a pretty cool project. Might have to have a go at it myself. Can't wait to see more!

that looks really good. Defo make a display case out of that or maybe a suit to go with it :D
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