Props Halo M6G/C Kit (JUSTINIAN 117) Build

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Hey guys,

Just got a hold of a JUSTINIAN 117 M6G kit. What a beautiful piece of work I must say, picking this thing up out of the box, it is just phenomenal, thanks again man, your work is amazing!

Now he's gonna see me tear his masterpiece apart :(...

I gotta be honest, I have never built a kit before, unless you count a Russian T34 Tank model when I was 12, with the help of my dad, which required minimal work outside of gluing and painting. I have never bondo'd anything before, or did anything with this level of detail. But you have to start somewhere.

Without trying to bore anyone, I actually got the inspiration to start building kits after watching some of Tested's "One Day Builds" videos. Basically if you haven't watched them, it's Adam Savage from Mythbusters literally doing builds in one day. One episode he went through his Blade Runner pistol collection and talked about some of the kits he built. Of course the first one he built was good, but not perfect, then he went through some of his other ones and they progressively got better, so I figured since I am not to good at constructing my own stuff (as many of you have seen from my other forum posts), I would try to give kit building a shot!

Here's the kit:


Currently I have everything sanded down ready to bondo and fill up.


Oh and the reason I put M6G/C in the title is because I am actually going to make the Smart Link Scope removable with a magnet. I have the area kind of marked out in a rough area where the front post sight should go. I just need to carve an area on the hood where the post sight will fit in.


Thank you Tactonyx for the reference pics on your builds where the front sight should go. I probably won't go as far as to add the adjustable placement, but it'll look decent at least!

Keep posted for more posting!


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Have you considered maybe removing the two screws at the side, and fixing the scope cowl in via two small screws on the sides? I'm not sure it matters in the long run but if you're after game accuracy, I'm fairly sure that's how it would fix on.
Well I actually have, the problem is that the "screws" are actually part of the cowl itself (by the way thank you for the better word, hood sounded wrong). It's one cold cast piece. On top of that, I would have to find a knob that looks like the one used on the cowl as well as make sure it has a screw as well as tap into the gun so everything fits correctly and looks correct as well. The cowl has plenty of extra space, so to say, in which I can put a magnet into it as well as a magnet in the base of the gun itself.

And actually as of now, I think I am just going to stick with the M6C look without the cowl, I am not to good with bondo and I was afraid I would mess the gun up pretty badly, so I stuck with the "C" variant look.

Currently I have everything sanded, bondo'd and primed ready to be painted all the way.


Here is the front post sight


and here is the scope cowl with a dremeled out area for the post sight.


Right now I am working on what kind of a color scheme I am going to use for the pistol. Nothing too out of the ordinary, but I am going to go with something a little flashier than the black polymer/hard chrome/satin nickel finish, I'll just see what I have in my rattle can collection and maybe check the hobby stores.

In addition to that, I am also going to work on a holster. My initial plan for a magnetic holster kinda fizzled when using the ultra high strength magnets found in computer hard drives weren't strong enough to support the much of anything let alone a pistol through a layer of urethane plastic. So I am going to go with an actual holster. It's going to be a tad difficult with such a large handguard. On the plus side, it adds more character.

Edit: when looking at the gun a couple more times, I realized there are some nasty looking areas around the muzzle, so I am going to look for some needy areas and gonna sand those up again then re-prime the thing


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For the holster instead of a whole holster you could put a small rail on your thigh and a couple of small screws to slide into the rail I'd clarify but can't recall the proper names all I can think of is that locking chain that some doors have

Edit: it's a method rickrtickr uses
For the holster instead of a whole holster you could put a small rail on your thigh and a couple of small screws to slide into the rail I'd clarify but can't recall the proper names all I can think of is that locking chain that some doors have

Edit: it's a method rickrtickr uses

I do know what you're talking about, it's the "eyelet" type catch for screws right? And it's an absolutely brilliant idea the way he disguised it into the thigh plate, one I really dig, but I don't want to potentially ruin this prop with misplaced screws on accident. Also I do recall that the magnum ricktickr used was one made by Smick, which weighs about a pound and a quarter, Justinian's weighs close to 2 pounds. Not much difference in weight, but I really don't want to risk a gravity retention based holster when I can easily pull something out of kydex or thin polypropylene sheeting. It might be a little extra work, but it's not like my armor is coming along well anyway, so it's not like I don't have any time to work on a holster :)
What about a Ghost style trigger guard retention holster?


You could mount rare earth magnets into the guard and match them to magnets in the holster.

Plus a Ghost holster would show off the pistol a little more.
What about a Ghost style trigger guard retention holster?


You could mount rare earth magnets into the guard and match them to magnets in the holster.

Plus a Ghost holster would show off the pistol a little more.

It would be pretty difficult to mount some magnets in or on the handguard considering how thin it is, yet it is also way too wide for a racer style pistol holster to hold. I did look into this idea, but it just won't work, unfortunately because its the closest thing to a true magnetic holster there is lol!

Currently I am actually working on a custom bag formed carbon fiber hard holster and I actually pulled one out of plastic, but it looks shabby so I am labeling that one a prototype.

I do have quite a bit of downtime right now waiting on some paint to ship (Spaz Stix Mirror Chrome) so I am working on ways to personalize the pistol. I am trying to figure out ways that a spartan (my spartan) would spend his time tricking out his gear when I stumbled upon this: . This guy actually gave me the idea to skeletonize the trigger to make it "lighter" but also give it a mean personal look to the gun, it also clears up a small area that would require special attention to painting, something I am not particularly good at.

In addition to the trigger, I was thinking about stamping some serial numbers into the gun. The only thing is I cannot find any reference to the UNSC cataloging anything other than the obscure crate or barcode here and there let alone individual weapons. I need some help here, does anyone know anything about serial numbers on any weapon from Halo, or ways of procuring serial numbers and what they mean? I don't want to inscribe random numbers just to call it a serial number, I want it to actually mean something! So if anyone has anything to share on the subject matter, please do! On this awesome site we have references to just about anything and the members themselves, there has to be a gun owner or Halo scholar that can help me here. I could really use some input here.

Pics up later! Gotta sand some bondo. :)


Here are the WIP pics on the trigger, I didn't have a file that would work in such a tight space, so I did what I could with a nail clipper foldable file, which worked pretty decently yet still requires a tad more work. I apologize for the poor quality pics, I really don't know what's up with my phone's camera recently.

Close Up

All Together

But again, I do need a little help on some references that people may know about gun serial numbers in Halo or in real life, I want to put a serial code on my gun, but don't know what certain serial numbers mean and how they'd describe my gun. Any help here would be appreciated!

EDIT: Serial Numbers found, thanks Katsu!

I messed up.. The usual primer I use, that aluminum enamel that doubles as primer, is not compatible with the type of metallic chrome I want to use. SO... I had to give the cast a Pine Sol bath for 24 hours and everything is actually going smoothly surprisingly. It took me a while to get back to work on the pistol because I had to watch my siblings for a couple of days while my parents were out of town, but I am back into the swing of things now and currently priming all the parts again with real automotive primer now!

The magazine and magazine base all cleaned up

Pistol base and slide still soaking

Also, I did some testing with the Spaz Stix Mirror Chrome, and doesn't work to well when used as a exterior paint. It is primarily used for clear lexan car bodies on the underside (didn't say that anywhere online but sure had it on the can!) So that particular paint scheme for the gun is a bust. HOWEVER there is an upside to this. When I can acquire an ODST helmet I plan on chroming the visor, but I am reluctant to spend $60 on 4 ounces of Alsa Mirrachrome, so I tested the Spaz Stix for effect. Let me tell you, that stuff is brilliant! Not only does it provide the exact same effect as Alsa Corp's paint, but it is 2/3's cheaper (if you buy online) as well! ALSO it is very durable, a lot of people will tell you about Alsa Mirrachrome being very fragile, but this Spaz Stix stuff is the shiz! So if you are looking to chrome a visor, choose Spaz Stix Mirror Chrome, it's about $12 a can, plus shipping (which can be a tad pricey at $9 since it is a pressurized can) but it works just as well as Mirrachrome and is three times as durable.


Alright, so I finally got everything started paint scheme wise.

-Painted the grip flat black
-did a brushed aluminum finish on the metal parts of the gun
-painted front post sight (needs to be redone)
-painted the "bolt" a chrome finish
-painted magazine chrome finish (needs to be redone)
-painted magazine base flat black

The pistol, like I mentioned above, is kind of like the (my) Spartan's good luck charm. It is completely custom and is tailored to what the Spartan does in combat and what he thinks makes it look and feel special. Eventually when the gun is completely finished I will compare it to what a standard M6 looks like. I promise it'll look amazing! (at least by my level of customization...)

So far the gun is starting to come together. I painted the "bolt" a polished chrome to give it some contrast with the brushed look of the rest of the gun, but I think I may invert that and make the rest of the gun polished chrome instead. Meh, it's what it is right now though. If I keep it that way, it has to be redone, the paint did cure all the way and I didn't realize it when I grabbed the slide and finger printed the "bolt" on accident.

The grip is still a tad tacky and needs to finish drying, the can says fully dry in 24 hours, but from experience using the stuff it really takes a good 3 days to finish drying.

The magazine does need to be redone. I like how the chrome finish looks, but the only problem is I didn't paint it correctly and the paint became pockmarked and it looks hideous. The baseplate looks great in contrasting the silver color as well.

The front post sight looks very nice when it is painted flat black, kind of breaks up the silver tone of the rest of the gun, especially towards the front where the only color is silver. I decided I am going to paint the sight circles bright green just like the M6 SOCOM. Maybe put some glow in the dark paint mixed with the green to really make something so small really special.

Full Shot: Here you can see the pockmarked magazine (hideous...)

Here is the grip, again a close up on the (bleh) magazine.

Here is the front post sight, you can see that I got a little sloppy on the paint. I am going to tape off certain areas tomorrow and redo the sight.

Here is the bolt, this is just an idea like I mentioned above, I like the idea of two types of silver being used to make the gun "pop" a little, but I am still unsure of how far I want to go with it.


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