Jorge-052 Build

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Well-Known Member
Carter may be the boss, but Jorge is a living, breathing death threat. Nobody messes with Jorge.

So Comicon is coming to Tampa August 1-3 and I've always wanted to build my favorite Spartan from Noble Team, Jorge. I've got a month to pull this out, let's see if I'll get it done in time! I have the next 3 weeks off of school so all my time will be dedicated to getting this done. It's been raining here nearly everyday so I haven't been able to paint my other 2 builds. I just got a little burnt out working 100+ hours on them, I needed a break with a new build xD. Seeing as Reach Spartan armor seemed to be the easiest armor to make, I hope it won't take too much time to get this done right. plus my foam-crafting skill is around 80 now.

Anyways let's get to pictures!

I've got the chest pretty much done:




The black parts on the back are recessed a bit and the other areas I used a router to carve the circles and ovals (kind of hard to see the depth because of the flash from the camera).

Luckily, Jorge has a huge backpack that covers the back of the torso so I don't really have to go into too much detail which will save loads of time.

I also have his weapon:


It's the Halo 4 Turret that I modified a little bit to match Jorge's HMG (removed vertical grip/triggers and plate). Still missing is the part that covers the base of the barrel assembly and the oval details on the barrel assembly. Other than that it's nearly identical.

Next up on my list are the biceps/shoulders with the EVA and Grenadier perms.


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I should have all of Jorge's armor back pack and turret in the first page of my thread. I don't think it ever got unfolded though. Good luck and I can't wait to see this finished.
I should have all of Jorge's armor back pack and turret in the first page of my thread. I don't think it ever got unfolded though. Good luck and I can't wait to see this finished.

Thank you! These files will help immensely! Now to make the proper chest haha
I have also given jorges backpack an unfold if you dont have a file yet. It may not be the pritiest because i did it fairly early but i wasnt able to find one before then.
looks good! if the backpack turns out good maybe you could find a way to mount the gun to it when you dont want it in hand.
I have also given jorges backpack an unfold if you dont have a file yet. It may not be the pritiest because i did it fairly early but i wasnt able to find one before then.

Thanks for the offer but I unfolded it before I saw your post xD.

looks good! if the backpack turns out good maybe you could find a way to mount the gun to it when you dont want it in hand.

Thanks. I thought about having some clip-type attachments on the side of the backpack where the gun would be held by the barrel assembly. The gun itself will be really light as it will be foam and PVC, I'm guessing 5 lbs MAX.

I'll be rebuilding the chest piece with the proper game-ripped file and use the game-ripped file for the entire suit. The files I had been using were from the 2013 or 2012 database zip where each Noble member had their own folder. The ones for Jorge I think were only the multiplayer perms (except the shins, which are a little on the wide side). For the rivets (not sure exactly what to call them) that are all over his armor, I will try to make one and just mold/cast the rest using Rondo.

I've decided to take my time and focus on accuracy for the build so I'm removing my due date of Aug 1. I'll be starting the proper chest tonight now that I've finished my unfolds.

Alright, so I finally have an update. Thanks to Crimmson, I was able to get my hands on the game-ripped model of Jorge. I have been unfolding and tweaking the unfolds a lot and I finally finished a shin unfold that I liked. I'm still tweaking the other files. I'll be saving the proper chest for last as it takes the longest to build, and if I don't have time to build the new one I'll be using the one that I have now. Lastly, I have built a shin and a forearm along with both of the attachments for the forearms. I still need to add the connection parts for the forearm perms that go on the side of the forearm and extend the straps that go into the connection parts.

Picture time!

Here is a shin without the knee portion:



and the forearm with attachment:

I'm also editing ForgedReclaimer's Jorge helmet for foam. Hopefully I get the scale right the first time.

Until next time!


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Shin Detailed

Spent a few hours today with Reach up on the 360 and free-handing the details onto the shin. I made templates for the details so the next shin should go a bit quicker.









Hooray for details! I really like the green and gray colors haha. For the thick-ish cut lines on the side of the shin where the two large, raised areas are, I used a really cool, yet simple, technique. I saw it in someones thread a while back but I can't remember who's (I'll mention them if I can find it again). Anyways, what you do is cut into the foam about 1/16" and then run over the area with a heat gun. Once the area is heated, stop heating it and let it cool. This will make the foam expand and then contract, opening up the cut. Keep doing this until you get the desired thickness or until you are satisfied (it only opens up to about a couple cm).

For the back side of the shin and the knee I just cut into the foam at a 45 degree angle, making sure I only cut about three quarters of the way into the foam.

I realized a little too late that the detail parts on the sides of the knees were about an inch too high, but I made it work haha. It's also a little wider than I would like but it still looks good.

--Second shin done--



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That is looking amazing, Gorge was my favorite Spartan from Reach. I cant wait to see this finished!
How to scale Reach armour?Because I'm doing Filip's (my character) armour and I think I screwed up the shin,when I put in the height of my under-leg.
looking great!! cant wait to see more!


Thanks, more is on it's way!

That is looking amazing, Gorge was my favorite Spartan from Reach. I cant wait to see this finished!

Thanks. Jorge is Bipedal tank haha.

How to scale Reach armour?Because I'm doing Filip's (my character) armour and I think I screwed up the shin,when I put in the height of my under-leg.

I just use reference pictures and measure myself where the armor is on the character. For Jorge, his shin armor is very bulky so I decided the best way to scale would be to measure height. I looked at Jorge in-game and through reference pictures to find out where my measurement points will be (a little above the ankle to a couple inches above my knee [my shin includes the knee armor]). Then I measure myself at those two points, which I got 500mm, and within Pep Designer, scaled the part to that height. I then double check using the "Measure Distance Between Two Points" tool to ensure the measurement points within Designer matched the measurements I took.

progress is looking great :)

Thank you.
I plan on using foam for the helmet. I had a lot of success using foam for my daedric helmet so I'm going to give it a shot.
Nice! Are you modifying a pep file or is there already templates?

I'm editing ForgedReclaimer's Jorge helmet for foam. I'm not aware of any foam files for Jorge (except the universal parts like forearms, boots and biceps).
For the inner part on Halo Reach Thighs, there's 3 parts that kind of stack on each other. Would you use the same thick Foam you use for all the other pieces or something thinner?
For the inner part on Halo Reach Thighs, there's 3 parts that kind of stack on each other. Would you use the same thick Foam you use for all the other pieces or something thinner?

I'll be using the same thickness for the inner thigh sections.

I've been hard at work finishing another project so I haven't really worked on this much lately.
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