Halo Reach Spartan Build 2015

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Member DIN
The road to the 2016 PAXeast is paved with cosplay, and its time i prepare myself accordingly. This build is using some assets from reach gear I've built previously for the sci fi valley con with The Shiznite88, with the intent to repaint and built a complete set of beefy armor. Any critiques and criticism is welcome and appreciated, but remember I'm new to this. Thanks guys and girls!

Seth IMG_2143F.JPGIMG_2140F.JPG


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Once I'm done with this commission I'll get to hammering out your helmet. Plus we still need to decide on a color scheme for you. I still prefer the dark gray and dark green look.
I'm planning on going to PAXeast as well as a Spartan. Would love to see it when its finished and hopefully in person too. Everything looks great so far keep it up.
We'll definitely be looking for any and all other spartans up there, It'll be fun to get another big group shot like last year
Its been a while since i updated my progress, my apologies.. Work's been a little crazy for me since my transition to a new position as a contractor, but i have been able to make a bit more progress. I now have both forearms assembled, and am looking forward to starting on the suits thighs. More pictures to come!!
Spartan Forearm.JPG
Looks good. I heard the shiznite say something about a color scheme.. have you decided on one yet? No pressure if you haven't :)
Green/steel. I like it. Goes well with the white-marked parts.

Thanks for the compliments! I'm super happy with the color scheme we've picked, and things seem to be going pretty smoothly with the build. Please feel free to give any suggestions you want, I'm excited to hear any and all ideas ^_^
Visor is in and did a little repainting on some of the details to make them darker. Now onto painting the rest of the pieces you made so far.

Visor is in and did a little repainting on some of the details to make them darker. Now onto painting the rest of the pieces you made so far.

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That Visor sure brings everything together, and I'm really digging the darker color grey on the color scheme! I'm super excited for how everything is coming together on this ^_^

Been Working on the thigh pieces for the armor recently, hoping you approve!
Thigh 1.JPG
Since the Ginger was down with the flu for a while, I've kicked it into high gear to help him out. Built him the chestpiece and got it all painted up to match. Deadline for this armor is coming in fast (31 days). He did get both thigh pieces done, as well as the cod piece, and I've also managed to whip up a better looking gauntlet since the last pair had issues. More updates soon as we plan to get together this Thurs and Fri to get more done!

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Well, the deadline for this Build is only 4 days away.. And I'm happy to say that the last pieces of armor have been assembled and painted! boots.jpg

We're now on to the final fitting, and troubleshooting stages of the build. There are a few minor tweaks necessary before the grand finale, but I am very pleased with the results thus far. 12410580_1079956822036018_4615979721645581130_n.jpgSpartan2.jpgSpartan3.jpg

I owe a huge amount of thanks to the shiznite88, without his help there would have been no chance of making the Ohayocon deadline. More pictures to come!
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