Chaos Knight (worbla)

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Jeez, I can't wait to see this finished! Anyone got a time machine?!

Haha, in all seriousness, are you going to be painting it based on the artwork, or your own color scheme?
Jeez, I can't wait to see this finished! Anyone got a time machine?!

Haha, in all seriousness, are you going to be painting it based on the artwork, or your own color scheme?

Hehe if you find one can I borrow it so I can skip to the end! :D. As for the colour scheme I will be doing my own. I've always loved red so thats what he will be!.

Drack, Awesome build!! My question is, is worbla durable or quite fragile?

Thank you and I think if I were to hit the dragon on the front with a hammer not much would happen. The stuff, once layered up, is very strong. A single sheet of thickness is a little flexible but once you add a detail on it it holds it still enough. Its better than pep cause if I threw one of my pieces 20 foot the only thing to suffer would be the paint. The down side is the cost. I will have used about £450 worth for this costume.
Wow, absolutely amazing and looks terrifying. your patients is beyond normal good work. your fb page will be getting a like!
Sorry been so quiet but heres a bit of an update for you all.



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Been quiet for a while due to having commissions to complete but managed to do a little work on my own costume the other night. Its been a long time since I did any proper painting but started on a shoulder pad to test out my paints. Took a few goes to get the right gold but found a great guilding wax by Pebeo called Empire Gold. Hopefully you can imagine what the whole suit will look like fully painted. This is not finished though I have a lot to do on it yet.



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The detail on that is incredible. I stick to foam because its easy to make it look ok, but seeing the kind of detail you can put into Worbla is pretty humbling. I can't wait to see more of it painted. Great job!

Thank you :)

The detail on that is incredible. I stick to foam because its easy to make it look ok, but seeing the kind of detail you can put into Worbla is pretty humbling. I can't wait to see more of it painted. Great job!

Cheers man. I started out with just foam and you can do some pretty good stuff with it on its own but the worbla is great for that strength and durability. My Masterchief suit is looking a bit worn now with wear and tear because foam is vulnerable. I guess I could have tried some kind of sealer like clear plastidip but...........just didn't XD
I am utterly amazed watching this build and the paint is even further highlighting all of the detail. I've worked with with Worbla and learned a ton during my Sister of Battle build but compared to yours it looks like someone in kindergarten built it! Totally impressed.
Amazing work wtg

Thanks you :)

That suit is insane so much detail and time put into it it looks great wish I had the time and money build suits like that

Thank you very much :) Well I don't really have much time or money really. I've been making this over the last 2 years so time and money are spread out.

I am utterly amazed watching this build and the paint is even further highlighting all of the detail. I've worked with with Worbla and learned a ton during my Sister of Battle build but compared to yours it looks like someone in kindergarten built it! Totally impressed.

Wow thank you so much for your kind words. I wanted to have a peak at what you have been working on but couldn't find your build.
Thought I'd show how the painting is coming on for those following this none Halo costume :)
The cola can is there to show scale.



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As a person that has painted many Warhammer miniatures.. I gotta' say.. This is fantastic! I love it, suuuch attention to detail! :love
Drack, did you go to school for sculpting or art? because this is just blowing my mind... literally a team of artists ive seen make props couldn't touch this level of detail!

All i have to say is "Damn!"

if you're not commissioning your work after this... YOU SHOULD!
As a person that has painted many Warhammer miniatures.. I gotta' say.. This is fantastic! I love it, suuuch attention to detail! :love

Thank you man. It's what we miniature collectors/painters strive to achieve :)

Oh... My... GOD. That is so amazingly well done! Props to you, dear sir.

Thank you loads! :)

Drack, did you go to school for sculpting or art? because this is just blowing my mind... literally a team of artists ive seen make props couldn't touch this level of detail!

All i have to say is "Damn!"

if you're not commissioning your work after this... YOU SHOULD!

Haha no I didn't go to school for my art. I have worked in or ran restaurants all my life. I do how ever do commission work so you got one right there :) Oh and thank you glad you like it. It will complete in the next 3 weeks ready for comicon in London :)
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