Thomasp89's T-45D Power Armor build (Fallout)

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After all the rumors and stuff revolving Fallout 4 I decided to start my very first full armor build with a T-45D power armor suit from Fallout 3/New Vegas. This is my first suit and I'll be making it with fibreglass as I have no experience whatsover with foam. I was planning on starting this thread after I had pepped everything, but I'm impatient so I decided to just start it now at the moment of posting I've only pepped a bunch, but I'm with my finals at the moment so I'll have to split time a bit :/
As seen on the chestpiece, I'm using Roadwarrior's files, so big thanks to him for putting these out there to download :)
My progress (editing this every update for any tl;dr'ers):

Helmet: fibreglassed
Chestpiece: Pepped
Shoulders: 1 Pepped 1 Resined
Biceps: 1 Pepped 1 resined
Elbows: 1 Pepped 1 ready for paint
Forearms: 1 Pepped 1 fibreglassed
Groin: Pepped
Thighs: 2 pepped
Knees: 2 pepped
Shins: 2 pepped

So this is what I've got so far
All the smaller pieces:

the chest piece:

I actually wanted to start this a year ago but I stopped because I lost the interest. That's why the shoulder is resined and the helmet has a little resin hat :p. Thanks for reading this :) More stuff to follow.


  • KNkVYQVl.jpg
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  • PrnCKm9l.jpg
    28.5 KB · Views: 271 are doing a really good job! Nice pepping too! I can´t wait to see this finished! :)


Awesome! Keep it up!

Thanks Guys :D Appreciate it

So small update for today, I coated the helmet, 1 forearm 1 elbow and somewhat coated 1 upper arm. I also fibreglassed the elbow already, just because :p



I'll be doing some more tomorrow :)


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So I went to fibreglass the helmet yesterday, and I had it dry over night, and it seems to have messed up for what ever reason. I don't know why this happened, but this is a bummer because I have no idea how to fix it and I'll have to make the helmet over again :( I fibreglassed the inside like I did with the other pieces, and the other pieces came out fine, but this one just didn't harden up, it's still soft on alot of places and it's also still tacky on the inside. I've used enough hardener and I've even done 2 coats on certain places because I couldn't coat the entire thing in 1 run, but it just didn't get strong :( Now as a reference; Left is only coated, right is fibreglassed correctly, and the middle is fibreglassed, but, well it messed up. If anyone has a fix or explanaition for this, I'd be glad to hear it.

Better news though, I've completed the elbow piece and it's now the first piece ready for paint :) so at least there's something good about this update :p

EDIT: I was hoping that another coat over the fibreglass might help, can anyone confirm this? Any yes or no would be appreciated :p


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