Video Challenge...

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Sr Member
Ok let's spice things up a bit. Choose a song yo like along with images and videos from my youtube and photobucket to make an intro and outro for my videos. What's the prize you ask.... you get to be the opener and closer to my videos with your name in the who knows it may be fun to see how this turns out. Please make the intro no more than 45 seconds and the outro 30 seconds or less. You can even use our logo.


Youtube name:

Post all videos here and I will open a poll with all the candidates. Contest runs from now until 31 Jan 2011 then voting begins until 07 Fb 2011. You can edit your own videos as much as you like until the deadline by putting the new one in your post by editing your post. You may also post videos for other people as long as they get the credit if that video wins.


P.s. this posted was edited 19 Jan 2011


  • kdr909.png
    117.8 KB · Views: 150
I'm in!! Might take a while though. 31 Jan? I got time :D

I'll edit this post when I'm done

EDIT: I redid the video :D

Hope you like it!
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I'm in!! Might take a while though. 31 Jan? I got time :D

I'll edit this post when I'm done

EDIT: COMPLETED!!! In like an hour I think :D

Anyways....won't keep you waiting any longer.

Hope you like it!

Well done. I am happy to see multiple entries. Thank you very much.


Bryce I hope more join in as well. It is alot of fun.
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