Boba/Jango Fett Helmet help?

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Jr Member
does anyone know what the inside side of the Rangefinder on jango/boba fett's helmet looks like? It's the long kinda flag looking thingy that comes out of the right side of the helmet
I'm thinking of working on a Fett helmet and I think the best way to make the range finder to me anyway is to make it out of bolsawood. But anyway. what do you mean by inside of it? Like what does Fett see when it lowers?
I'm thinking of working on a Fett helmet and I think the best way to make the range finder to me anyway is to make it out of bolsawood. But anyway. what do you mean by inside of it? Like what does Fett see when it lowers?
Thats exactly what i mean. Does it look like Zam Wessel's sniper scope? or maybe lukes or Maul's Binoculars
Probably Zam's scope. Remember when Jango's lowerd and his rocket fired off? I think it is a targeting computor bit in the helmet much like the x-wing had when Luke looked through it. But am i entirely sure? No. But i think thats the way to go. I don't think there are pics or angles to where you see it. it be cool to do like some kind of LED thing with a grid look when it lowers it lights up with this cool grid look. I dunno lol hopefully this somewhat helped.
yeah. I have a really powerful red LED and a White LED that i had no use for. So im going to put the red one up front as a "locator" and the white one to kind of cast a screen glow on the helmet
Sounds cool man. If you got any pics please feel free to show em! I'm a HUGE Star Wars fan and Boba is my second favorite character in the franchise :D.....*puts shield up from fans hating on me* lol
Kyle Katarn (from the expanded universe) is my number 1. lol but anyway if you wanna know more about the Fett helmets i suggest checking out the Dented helmet for more details.
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