File Help Anyone?

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New Member
Has anyone had a problem with Pepakura not numbering pieces once it is unfolded? I have a few files that I've had problems with. As a noobie, I've covered all my bases with the cardstock, fiberglass, resign, bondo, folds, scaling, and lots and lots of reading of others mistakes. However, I have yet to read of anyone having the same problem as me. Not being extremely computer savvy, this has been extremely frustrating. At wits end, I'd almost rather pay someone to print out the rest of my armor and sent it to me in exchange for some hard earned green backs.
If you can not see the number on a pep file try doing this. open pepakura up and up top on the bar of tabs go to 2D Menu and then click on show edge ID.
Yea, as WoodlandWarrior suggested, it's likely that the edge ID wasn't turned on for that file. I do a lot of unfolding, and I always turn tabs and IDs off while I clip and arrange the pieces. I always remember to turn the tabs back on as that's part of the adjustments for getting the pieces to fit on the page, and I'm a bit particular about how the tabs are oriented, but I often forget to turn the IDs back on. I'd imagine I'm not the only one.
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