A small bit of help.

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Dark Sandman

New Member
Hello everyone, I'm just a newbie here, and i'm here to get a bit of advice, and although i might not be a halo cosplayer, but I come seeking wisdom none the less.
Now, i've been addicted to the game Warframe, and I've now decided to start Making a suit similar to the one in the game, "Vauban". However, the files that i can extract from the game are not in a format that is compatable with Pepakura Designer. (.PSD and .MSD) files. The suit that i plan on making will be very simple over all, seeing as how much of the exposed parts of the suit are pants, helmet and shirt, but there are a few parts on the back of the vest, and back of the knees, that i want to fit to form, but i cannot get them into Pep Designer, making prototyping before a final build difficult. Is there some kind of file converter that i can use to make them into Pep Designer-compatable files? would I be better off free-handing the needed parts? Should i craft them out of foam? Thanks for helping out a cos-playing newbee, and thanks for any advice/tips in advance. Also, if it's Dis-allowed that i post this here, please feel free to delete it, I know it's not Halo related, but all the other Cos-playing fourms/message build seem to be more dead/anime related than this one, and the final product i hope to end up with is closer to a Spartan suit, than something from anime. (unless you count the halo anime(s), but i don't because the suits are still the same. ). So yeah, thanks for the help, i suppose.
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