Quick 10 day costume (halo)

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Well I was thinking I'd go as a new Mombasa medic, I don't know make a bio foam canister and ripped up clothing and call it.
Any ideas I'd like to impress and make it quick

We generally don't support 'indecision' threads on the 405th - if you want to build, we encourage you to decide for yourself what it is you'd like to have a go at. We're here to teach and support you through your build, not tell you what to build.

Otherwise, I'd echo Meatwad on this - ten days to put out a product is far too short a budget. Unless you're doing nothing but building, you're going to end up with something pretty sub-standard, even if you're working with 'easy' materials, such as foam. The following maxim holds true here:

If you want it quick, it won't be done well. If you want it done well, it won't be done quick.

Most builds take months of hard work and dedication. Don't be under any impression that you can walk into the hobby on Monday and then come out on Sunday with anything even half-decent. It's just not going to happen. Figure out what you'd like to build, do your research, take it slow and steady.
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Oh i'm sorry, just joined and thanks for teling me that so I don't do it again

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Its possible to do a suit relatively quickly, but like others have said, its basically non stop work. My first suit, I used the Normal Definition pieces and it took me a full month of work. I was working on it 8 hours a day at some point. I didn't take a break for an entire month. Looking back I don't really even know how I did it, haha

You could probably do an ODST build or Marine armor using foam, or even cardboard (take a look on the forums, a few folks have made some great builds with it) and do it decently quickly, depending on how motivated you are :)

Just mentioning from my own experience, you can build a suit quick if you want to, but I'll tell ya, if you really are invested in this hobby, you'll just end up remaking it down the road.

Its worth it though! You learn a lot each time you tackle a piece :)
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