My first draft armor complete

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Jr Member
hey, just finished my armor (minus inserting the visor)
the purpose of this was just to kinda get familiar with the process, and make something quick for halloween, so i could go back and make some mark VI armor much better (this is mark V helm)
I only made the helm.... and then used hockey gear for the body... i think it turned out fairly well.... let me know what you think
PS, i know i didnt sand the helm down all the way, and I know the visor isnt in, so dont comment on it.... this is the only armor im doing for haloween, except for gloves, and black underarmor.






I also know that i have to cut more out of the face

please give me any other suggestions, because i would like to make my second helm much better (even though this looks badass)
looks increadible, and once its got the visor in, should have that WOW factor that you need on halloween
yea, i just cut that little peice out so i could see out it and so my head would fit, i left the rest for support

I had a question on vents, cause this thing is hot... if you notice on both sides of the chin peice on the mark five, it has two peices, they have three black lines on them. Considering this is where my mouth will go, do you think it would be a good idea to use these for vents (cut the black parts out, then put mesh behind it)
i am not planning to install lights, but i was thinking of alternatives, i thought that maybe these would work well, i bought some and held them up there, they looked great
even though they are clear, they take up the green color surrounding, and look like lights

anyone have any other ideas for vents or light-lookalikes?
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