Recent content by Alhmanic

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    Deathstroke (Arrow)

    Thanks for your costume info! And good luck on your Arbiter costume as well. That is going to be a heck of a lot harder than the Deathstroke costume. Oh and please, check out my future tech helmet/mask build here. Still a few updates but when its done, I'm sure it will look great and tell me...
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    Deathstroke (Arrow)

    Is your whole costume expensive? I quite like the look. Very similar to the series. And, how'd you make the mask?
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    Finally settled on a First Build: Mk V

    Very nice looking helmet. That was my dream, that helmet haha. Good luck on the rest of the armor. ;)
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    Future Tech Warfare Helmet/Mask

    Re: Advanced-Cyberpunk Helmet/Mask Build Here's my new one I guess. I know it looks like VR but its not VR. Just made it out of a white folder, clear plastic like thingy to simulate the camera lenses, hot glue (obviously), a little bit of craft foam, and black translucent cloth for the tint...
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    Future Tech Warfare Helmet/Mask

    Re: What type are these helmets called? They're futuristic that's all I know... Here's the first one I made. Small now so I can't use it and if you notice on the last pic small holes and very hard to see. The new one will take some time to build... Plus I'm 6 foot 4. It will be fully custom...
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    Future Tech Warfare Helmet/Mask

    Re: What type are these helmets called? They're futuristic that's all I know... Yeah I know. I already made one a couple months ago. Its small for me and I can hardly see. I'll send a pic soon.
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    Future Tech Warfare Helmet/Mask

    I'm going to make this type of helmet without the glass visor. All made out of cardboard. Posted my first advanced tech helmet down there. But this new build is going to be different than that.
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    Cardboard MK VI Master Chief Helmet Build from Foam Template.

    Sorry for not posting new stuff cause i'm very busy with school work...
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    N00B to pepakuras props: Any alternative building suggestions?

    Well Cardboard is great to work with after all. Here is my MK VI helm just made from cardboard from a foam template. So you don't want to use Resin and fiberglass or body filler? Here's my advice. you can use paper mache or paper mache pulp method. I'm not an expert but you should keep...
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    Introduce Yourself

    Name: Classified Profession: School Age: 18 Favorite Hobby: Making Helmets Fave Game: All of Halo Series, and NFS Shift 2, and Basketball, a real game Other Interests: Drawing, Halo, Halo, Need 4 Speed, and more Halo.
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    Cardboard MK VI Master Chief Helmet Build from Foam Template.

    Just added bondo to the top part of the helm. Still rough though. I'm still new to this body filler thing and if it does not come off smooth in the finished product, i'll just have the battle scared effect to the helmet.
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    Sanding body filler. HELP!

    Today I was putting bondo on my MK VI helmet, no pic yet, and suddenly I still have holes dents on my body filler, what I mean is when I apply bondo, it's not applying evenly.... I have a 250-300 grit sandpaper and its still not smooth. And no I don't have spotting putty and on a tight budget...
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    Cardboard MK VI Master Chief Helmet Build from Foam Template.

    Finished Paper mache/ing it. I'm going to add white paint and bondo so the thing is smooth. More updates soon. And i'm bondo/ing it now sending pics soon.
  14. A

    Female GEN2 SCOUT Armor (Spartan Commander Sarah Palmer) Build [+ more]

    How'd you get the visor for the helm?
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    Cardboard MK VI Master Chief Helmet Build from Foam Template.

    Yes I can get Bondo and thanks for the advice!