Recent content by awddsm

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    Trying To Work Around Cardstock...

    I'd say just pick up a glue-stick, you know the old-school kind that they make for kids they don't trust not to eat paste :pThat shouldn't warp the card stock, but I'd say give it time to dry. If you can save up the money a cheap printer can run ~$60 (I know that's out of the range for some...
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    Left 4 Dead 2

    Oh, you PC guys are lucky, I'm gonna be freezing my butt off waiting for Best Buy to open the doors at midnight. Projected 18*-22* at 12 here in Colorado :/
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    R2 D2 Xbox 360 Controller

    Nice, I need to figure out how to do this, my girlfriend just picked up L4D so I want to get her her own pink controller, or maybe something with Zoie on it.
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    How did you find us?

    Googling ODST helmet, came across Rube's thread. It was a downer to read all 28 pages and see the outcome, but I've read though almost every high profile thread now.
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    Pepakura For Mac?

    This should be a good starting place for you:
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    I Don't Think My Helmet Came Out Right

    I don't remember the exact thread that I was reading, but I remember them saying that the boots are the same (save the heal) and the calves/shin are the same, so I did the low def version to check for sizing, I'm currently cutting out all of the pieces. I was going to model them, then mold them...
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    I Don't Think My Helmet Came Out Right

    Yea, I also figured if I messed up on something, better something lower like a boot or what not (where people won't be staring) than a helmet, so I can get down my peping & resigning before I go for the high detail pieces. I've mostly been lurking, reading the tuts, getting familiar with the...
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    I Don't Think My Helmet Came Out Right

    Jk, I just finished my right boot, I'm building my armor backward from most noobs, starting from the boots up. Thought this was a good play on the helmet first.
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    Halo Reach Screens Leaked

    Idk what you guys are talking about, I'd play Lego Halo :pGives me enough time to do a set of armor before the release. I'd love a Sniper-needler, long distance, tracking & exploding, if it wasn't pink people would love it...
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    Left 4 Dead 2

    I've been a L4D fan since the L4D demo, I swear I played that thing for at least 40 hours. The original game is great (just got my girl playing it), it was simple, but so was Halo: CE. L4D2 has some of the much needed updates, a larger weapon verity, the use of the AI director changing paths (so...
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    Soft Parts Thermal Shirts That Keep Me Cool?

    I hate to be a thread necromancer, but one of my other hobbies is auto racing. A lot of drivers use something like this: It might be a bit of over kill and you'd need to figure out a way to hide a radiator and water pump in...
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    Introduce Yourself

    Name: Nicholas Wolfe Profession: Computer Tech Age: 24 Favorite Hobby: Cars (I have a DSM if you know what that is) Favorite part of halo: Hard to narrow it down to one part. Favorite Halo: 2 Favorite Video Game: L4D Other Interests: Video Games, TV, movies, computers/networking Favorite...