Recent content by BigbossXX

  1. B

    Noble Team: A Reach Collaboration Wip

    Yup this has to be done so you keep your work safe from guys like this.
  2. B

    Noble Team: A Reach Collaboration Wip

    Well I am happy this all comes to a happy ending. I am mexican so I can help ya with your spanish stuff anytime. And I must say that guy was claiming your work as his cus' I've check his profile and he never said the pictures were reference before you talk to him, it was more an omission lie...
  3. B

    Cog Armor

    Hi! first of all your work it's amazing. Well i was surfing in the net an i found this guy's profile and he is claiming your work and many others as his own; and he is doing bussiness with this, he even has this album named...
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    Noble Team: A Reach Collaboration Wip

    Hi! first of all your work it's amazing. Well i was surfing in the net an i found this guy's profile and he is claiming your work and many others as his own; and he is doing bussiness with this, he even has this album named...
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    Mexican Noob List

    Pues justamente hoy fui al eje central y casi nadie tiene de color salvo tornasoles, solo un negocio maneja dorados y los da en 480, los transparentes están en 75 así que comprare uno e intentare pintarlo, o ponerle película para polarizar
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    Mexican Noob List

    Yeah! y ahi encuentras micas doradas en $300? Porque por mi casa las transparentes estan en $120 (yo vivo por el metro mixihuca) y estaba pensando hacer el visor doble como el de este post: Lo...
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    Mexican Noob List

    Si man donde lo compraste bueno no se en donde vivas yo estoy en el DF. Oigan también han encontrado los visores dorados? Yo no los encuentro en ningún lado
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    Mexican Noob List

    Pues en la Sherwin Willaims sucursal Merced no manejan body filler en donde lo han comprado ustedes? Pues de mientras usare el Resanador que tengo de poliformas, acabo de cortar la parte del visor de mi nuevo casco MK VI y va quedando bien espero poder subir unas fotos para que vean como voy y...
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    Mexican Noob List

    Si, de hecho uso pasta resanadora automotriz de poliformas pero se me hace que lo que necesito es spot putty porque son pequeños agujeros los que deja. Otra pregunta que pinturas han usado para sus cascos? Yo quería usar aerosoles de comx pero alguien me recomendó Sherwin Williams, cuales han...
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    Mexican Noob List

    Pregunta aacerca del bondo Que onda, antes que nada que bueno es encontrar paisanos aqui en 405th. Tengo una pregunta espero me puedan ayudar, ya enresine y enfibre mi casco de Master Chief quedo muy ien y todo, el problema viene a la hora del bondo, yo compre uno de Poliformas Plasticas que...
  11. B

    Soft Parts Another great undersuit

    Yes I was thinking maybe screwing or somehow attaching the armor pieces to it, but first I have to build an armor lol, in some days I'll post pictures of my first build helmet, a MC one. If any one try this undersuit please let me know how it goes
  12. B

    Soft Parts Another great undersuit

    Hey guys I am new to 405th and to armor builds but I've found a great undersuit in dealestreme site: I've found it good looking and very accesible but please tell me what do you think about it?