Recent content by ConventionAlex

  1. ConventionAlex

    I’m pretty sure I got scammed but we gon see son!

    I once got recruited by ONI, the agent was a very nice and took me into his interviewing van, even giving me ice cream! I was 12 at the time and the ice cream tasted a bit weird, I don't remember much. I suppose it was too boring for 12 year old me to understand... Waaait a minute
  2. ConventionAlex

    Introduce Yourself

    Name: Alex Location: Germany Profession: Full-Time student Age: 22 Favorite Hobbies: The most iconic of duos: gym and nerdy stuff. Favorite Part of Halo: The painful yet so beautiful nostalgia I get when even just listening to the music. The gritty world it is set in. Such perfect escapism...