Recent content by DemonSandWizards

  1. D

    My Br55 So Far

    if u make a cast of that ill buy one
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    My Hayabusa Armor Progress

    what is aqua resin? water proof resin? what are the benefits?
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    Wiring LED TO helmet

    im from a modding forum and we do all kinds of cool stuff, but thats not the point. i know alot about wiring and if anyone needs any help with leds and how to wire them plus different kinds of switces and whatnot im here to help
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    Dual light strips all over MC Armor

    these also appear red or blue (depending on your color) in multiplayer. not jsut in the dark
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    steel cqb figure

    gesis im buying one that pwns
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    Gears of war costuming

    yeah i saw a thing on g4 bout nightmare studios doing gow costumes and taking them to dragoncon or comicon or some convention like taht
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    500 :P, Woooo?

    psh im proud of my 130 posts. it means you are active in forum conversation for a bit, but dont spam.
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    Death Threat at school

    2 years ago i had a bomb threat it was some idiot that spelled bomb wrong
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    Need Grunt data

    holy crap that is alot of paper, and imagine how much resin and fibergass cloth u gona need!
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    Weapon Making

    cool idea with teh rondo or mud or whetever but it sounds good to pour into things
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    Games to look forward too

    lol i didnt know if it was out yet or if it was any good. if i was him id still want cod 2 or cod 3 for classic fps online mode. (thats just me...)
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    Games to look forward too

    i heard there making a bunch of new maps for gears of war, but no news on gow2. but you should get rainbow six vegas and cod3, and as for new games coming out soon, get assassins creed, timeshift, army of two
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    My new GH guitar (Custumz)

    awesome job. but it just looks like a guitar with a ps2 cord so what did u do to make it play as a gh controller?
  14. D

    New pictures

    nice. that last picture looks great awesome detail job on teh chest