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  • so you work on props. thats interesting. you think your makin very little pay. im makin no pay at all. i wish i were the janitor at subway. naw im just jokin but do you have a youtube channel. i want to see the things that youve made and are working on. you see i am into paintball and am working on an ODST suit to wear to it. and after that i hope to make a MA5B/MA5C assault rifle PAINTBALL GUN!!! but thats going to take alot of time and studying of paintball guns.
    I am starting soon, I am working my butt off.. my dad says I have to finish my go kart project first.. but I have scaled everything, and I have worked out most of the details.. I should be uploading a weapon tutorial soon though!!
    Hey everybody! My name is Evan, and I LOVE to make props!! I am no only good at it, but I also make functioning props, like explosion rigs, cannons ( that fire of course!! ) pyrotechnics, and you name it!! I do prosthetics, and I am IN LOVE with Halo, and have been for years!! my goal right now is to have a gravity hammer FINISHED, along with a full suit of armor, a sniper rifle, a rocket launcher (already started) a pistol ( M6D, or Magnum...Whichever you prefer ) and a sniper rifle BY HALLOWEEN!!
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I consider myself to be Simmons.. from Red VS. Blue.....

Pneumatic, and hybrid cannons.. Engines.. I'm obviously into Halo, and I love making props!
Dec 13, 1995 (Age: 29)
..I live in alabama... In Tuscaloosa though!
sadly.. unemployed.... for now.