Recent content by fox

  1. F

    Cog Armor

    soo wot do i have to do 4 it to work on my pepakura then?
  2. F

    Cog Armor

    o ok do you have a cog chest i can just open in pepakura?
  3. F

    Cog Armor

    i cant open n e cog armor on pepakura y not?
  4. F

    can n e 1 help me find these files plz

    boards? sorry iv only really just stared soo i dont no much about all this lol
  5. F

    can n e 1 help me find these files plz

    can n e 1 send me n e of these files if there is n e ben carmine helmet gray fox helmet tau commander helmet samus helmet Rathalos helmet fron monster hunter 3 dead space helmet lvl 6 ptx-140r robto from lost planet 2
  6. F


    ok thx for helping n e ways
  7. F

    Pepakura Requests

    has n e 1 got a file 4 a gray fox helmet?
  8. F


    do you have a tau commander Helmet? or gray fox?
  9. F


    thx alot iv bin trying to find that for sum time lol
  10. F


    were can i find a Tau Fire Warrior Helmet file?