Recent content by jayhdeez

  1. J

    Hyper's Hayabusa build

    I'm going to keep my eyes glued to this thread as I begin prepping my project around the end of May (finals ans such). Hope you're ready for me to bug ya all summer! ;{D
  2. J

    Hylian Shield And Master sword WIP

    This is actually pretty cool--would be a good starting project, yeah?
  3. J

    Halo regiments by state or city

    (Double post---sorry) Now we have 3. Bam.
  4. J

    Halo regiments by state or city

    Maryland heard. In the Baltimore area!
  5. J

    Hyper's Hayabusa build

    This is a complete masterpiece. My first build will be a Hayabusa, this whole thread serves as a great lesson and inspiration--if only I can achieve half of the craftsmanship you have I will be lucky! I really would like to see how it's all coming together.
  6. J

    HaloGoddess' "How To Scale" and More Tutorial

    This is going to help me loads, just as you mentioned. First build will (hopefully) encounter no scaling issues! ~fingers crossed~
  7. J

    Sk8AlmostBay's Reach EOD Build

    This. Is awesome. Great inspiration to myself and lots of detail put into this. Not only is it cool, but it's really helping me scope how large some of these projects can be. Looking forward to more!
  8. J

    **Official** Gundam Pepakura File Thread

    Definitely going to have to try and make a helmet... Any way you'd want to collab on a heavyarms or kotaku gundam from the Wing series?
  9. J

    Introduce Yourself

    Introduction Name: James D. Myers (J.D. for short) Profession: Student/Server Age: 19 Favorite Hobby: Music Favorite part of halo: Gameplay and plot Favorite Halo: 3 Favorite Video Game: Probably Dragon Age: Origins + Awakening or Mass Effect 1 Other Interests: Music, Art, humor...