Recent content by killinghorne

  1. K

    New Unfolded Patterns For Smoother Pep Builds

    why is there no link with the iron man helmet? I really would like to have one of these very nice helmet, I can use one at the airsoft hehe
  2. K

    HALO ODST Diorama - New Mombasa

    hhaha yea it's a great idea to use your figures to make somthing really cool, i should do that too but i dont have enough time. good luck anyway it still looks cool
  3. K

    Bioshock 2 Props

    are there also tutorials how you made it because this is awesome, i want to make a minigun (not a real one but one like your weapons), this looks really realistic is it just cardboard and some old junk? awesome work!!
  4. K

    Grunt Costume Head *update*

    awesome, cool project I want to try to make a predator at the same way you make the grunt head ;) good progress, good work, keep it up pall !!
  5. K

    How To Make A Helmet From Pep To Finish

    sweet tutorial it really works =p keep it up people
  6. K

    Jorge 052 Armor Build

    yhea this is a good and nice thread, =p much work, bigger result
  7. K

    ShadoKat's Samus Aran (Metroid Prime 3) helmet sculpt - WIP

    looks very nice, that should have taken a long time to make
  8. K

    Custom Halo Reach Build

    ok this is just cool, what kind of clay do you use for it? I don't think it's cheap
  9. K

    Tutorial: Make & Paint Your Own See-through Visor

    whoho awesome tutorial keep it up man ;)
  10. K


    after the resening I removed the tape and i was looking of it was in the right shape and yes it was ;) it turned out good enough for me =D
  11. K


    first i made random shapes of paper i used tape for the right shape of it and resined it
  12. K


    Hi all I started a new thread for making arm bracers, some of you have questions how to make bracers just like assassins creed? I think I can help you a bit, this is my own creation. Enjoy!
  13. K

    army of two mask

    Eventually i made head-equipment to tag on the mask
  14. K

    army of two mask

    i've just painted the mask white and it turned out pretty good after all =p the next stap is to add some black detailles on it.
  15. K

    army of two mask

    thx bro but i'm gonna paint it white (own creation) with some kind of black flames on it ;) i have a few drawings of a superhero i would like to make it in real life so this is gonna be his mask. he's called "the nightcreeper"