Recent content by Munkerz

  1. Munkerz

    Cog Armor

    Even through the disproportionate muscles displayed on GoW, it's pretty clear the breastplate doesn't go all the way down to the waist. So 500 is what I'm going for. Anyway, thanks; and I will. Now to buy some more printer ink and a good hundred-or-so sheets of card.
  2. Munkerz

    Cog Armor

    Thanks Spartan. At 5'10" I think setting the height to about 500 should be good, maybe a little less. Unless by the bottom of your ribcage, you mean the solar plexus area? In which case it's closer to 450.
  3. Munkerz

    Cog Armor

    Was planning on making the Finix Breastplate Revised as my fist bit of Pepakura armour (complete newb here), and was wondering how my measurements match up the the default scaling? Default Scaling: H543 W587 D500 Me: Head: 25" Shoulders: 20" Chest: 42" Gut: 39" Eventually I plan...