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  • A
    hey man i saw that u were looking (at one point) selling ODST casts. I was wondering if you still had any available and what u were charging.
    Hello Spartan-005, Happy Holidays and Merry Christmas. :D

    Sorry for the delay in posting the HALO ships PEP files. :(

    But Family comes first,:eek: And I got a little preoccupied With all of the Festive Holiday Partying. :p

    I hope you understand.

    Please Give me just a little while for the the Family Partying to settle down, and all my guests and family to go to bed and then I will have some quiet time to sit down and upload your files. I will upload the ship files tonight.;)

    Thanks for your understanding.:eek:
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im in the navy i play airsoft and love halo

drawing/playing games/airsoft and building armor which the wife and me are damn good at.
Jul 8, 1987 (Age: 37)
san diego/lakeside
ABE2(aw) if u dont know what it is its my rate in