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  • Oh and btw, you should know your magnum is made of Foam Core Poster Board, hardened with papermache, sanded down to detail.
    SMG, u mean those small guns right? The one you double wield with, those would cost $45 Each. Assault Rifle would cost you $100(nerf), $120(prop) and a battle rifle would cost you $200(nerf) $220(prop)
    Assault rifles are gonna take longer than usual, I make battle rifles faster, Either prop or Shootable(Its from a Nerf Recon CS-6)
    And Halo 3 marines costumes would cost you around $300.
    Um sorry, I don't make odst plus I hardly make costumes, I usually sell weapons but I can make the helmet. Price depends on Rookie or Dutch. Rookie $120, Dutch $150
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i suck at art but hope to get better and i love halo 3!:]
im 11 so no job yet