405th Day Games - MCC and Infinite Open Lobbies - April 5th, 2024 through April 6th, 2024

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Come one, come all as we celebrate 405th Day in the usual fashion across a variety of Halo titles!

Our available Stream Team is planning to host a game night on 04/05/2024 and 04/06/2024 for Halo Infinite and Halo: MCC utilizing both "Core" and "Custom" game types and maps! The lobbies are slatted to run for approximately three hours from 7:00 PM CST to 10:00 PM CST (But generally, until folks get tired of playing together!).

Halo Infinite will be on 04/05.

Halo: MCC will be on 04/06.

All lobbies will be cross-platform eligible (IE. No modded content.)

We would love suggestions for maps and game types as we do have our staples, its always fun to see what folks are investing their time with their friends with! Drop your recommendations below!

For the three hours of scheduled time, I am polling if folks would like to see this time-frame streamed for the larger Halo community! Recording would be done locally via Discord capturing audio and switching between folks gameplay as needed! Please respond to the poll above by event date to help us decide!

(Do be aware if we stream, participation will be recorded and may be limited to full member status (50 Post/90 Days, assigned to a Regiment) to be eligible to be heard and gameplay to be seen live!)
Due to staffing constraints during this year; we will NOT be hosting a Mayhem build during this period. We apologize for the inconvenience this may present but will bring back our monkey-craze as soon as we can!

I am as always, excited to celebrate this lovely community with you all over the series we love so dearly. Bring on the antics!
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Come one, come all as we celebrate 405th Day in the usual fashion across a variety of Halo titles!

Our available Stream Team is planning to host a game night on 04/05/2024 and 04/06/2024 for Halo Infinite and Halo: MCC utilizing both "Core" and "Custom" game types and maps! The lobbies are slatted to run for approximately three hours from 7:00 PM CST to 10:00 PM CST (But generally, until folks get tired of playing together!).

Halo Infinite will be on 04/05.

Halo: MCC will be on 04/06.

All lobbies will be cross-platform eligible (IE. No modded content.)

We would love suggestions for maps and game types as we do have our staples, its always fun to see what folks are investing their time with their friends with! Drop your recommendations below!

For the three hours of scheduled time, I am polling if folks would like to see this time-frame streamed for the larger Halo community! Recording would be done locally via Discord capturing audio and switching between folks gameplay as needed! Please respond to the poll above by event date to help us decide!

(Do be aware if we stream, participation will be recorded and may be limited to full member status (50 Post/90 Days, assigned to a Regiment) to be eligible to be heard and gameplay to be seen live!)
Due to staffing constraints during this year; we will NOT be hosting a Mayhem build during this period. We apologize for the inconvenience this may present but will bring back our monkey-craze as soon as we can!

I am as always, excited to celebrate this lovely community with you all over the series we love so dearly. Bring on the antics!
Id love to join in if I can. I've been dying to play halonwith others again
Awesome! I can’t wait to attend this! I haven’t played halo for a bit, but now seeing this, I need to warm my skills back up.
I'd love to but A) I'm really not good at all, and B) will be in Kansas City at that time. Seems like a lot of fun though!
I'm not going to be around much Saturday (have an event going on already). But possibly could be around on Friday for a bit.
That said, I'm not comfortable at all with being recorded or part of any stream. So, at best I'd just be there to listen.
I'm not going to be around much Saturday (have an event going on already). But possibly could be around on Friday for a bit.
That said, I'm not comfortable at all with being recorded or part of any stream. So, at best I'd just be there to listen.
Good to know! I appreciate the transparency and will make sure if we do end up streaming, you don't end up in any spot where you would be present!
I'm still short of the 50-message requirement (14 messages to go!), but I am free all Saturday and can hop on Friday once I am off work!
Last few game nights I've been able to hop on have been a blast. If the lobbies are open to those without their 50 posts, I'll join in. Close but not there yet.
Lobbies will be open regardless of membership status, only thing that would be controlled is audio and visibility of a member not at full member status if we stream!
Come one, come all as we celebrate 405th Day in the usual fashion across a variety of Halo titles!

Our available Stream Team is planning to host a game night on 04/05/2024 and 04/06/2024 for Halo Infinite and Halo: MCC utilizing both "Core" and "Custom" game types and maps! The lobbies are slatted to run for approximately three hours from 7:00 PM CST to 10:00 PM CST (But generally, until folks get tired of playing together!).

Halo Infinite will be on 04/05.

Halo: MCC will be on 04/06.

All lobbies will be cross-platform eligible (IE. No modded content.)

We would love suggestions for maps and game types as we do have our staples, its always fun to see what folks are investing their time with their friends with! Drop your recommendations below!

For the three hours of scheduled time, I am polling if folks would like to see this time-frame streamed for the larger Halo community! Recording would be done locally via Discord capturing audio and switching between folks gameplay as needed! Please respond to the poll above by event date to help us decide!

(Do be aware if we stream, participation will be recorded and may be limited to full member status (50 Post/90 Days, assigned to a Regiment) to be eligible to be heard and gameplay to be seen live!)
Due to staffing constraints during this year; we will NOT be hosting a Mayhem build during this period. We apologize for the inconvenience this may present but will bring back our monkey-craze as soon as we can!

I am as always, excited to celebrate this lovely community with you all over the series we love so dearly. Bring on the antics!
Hey, I would love to join. Count me in and I’ll even half suit up and play/stream. Friday I’ll be on around 845 cst, then Saturday on right on time at 7 cst.
I'll be working the closing shift on Saturday so I won't be available then, but I should be free to hop on Friday night!
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