Adepticon 2024 Info and Roll Call: March 26th, 2025 - March 30th, 2025 (Milwaukee, Wisconsin)


Division PR
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Member DIN
Description: "AdeptiCon has grown consistently over the past twenty years, from the humble 110 person event in 2003, to the amazing 8,000 attendees AdeptiCon hosted in 2024. Over these twenty-two years, AdeptiCon has been held at five different venues. We have expanded from a handful of events to well over 1250 tournaments, event games, and hobby seminars covering all aspects of the miniature war gaming hobby. Despite the continued growth and necessary expansion, we have made every effort to keep consistent focus on one major priority: to present to our attendees the highest quality wargaming event possible. This will remain our priority for 2025 and beyond."

Date: March 26th, 2025 through March 30th, 2025 (Condensed: 03/26/25 - 03/30/2025)

Location: 400 W Wisconsin Ave, Milwaukee, WI 53203 (Baird Center Convention Center)

Event Website: AdeptiCon

Final Thoughts:
The representative we met from TORG (Attilla13 ) expressed Mantic will be present at this event, most likely alongside their new content release for Q1 given the timeframe. In addition, the communities for Halo: Ground Command and Halo: Fleet Battles will also be present here and love to interact with our community.

Booth: At this time, there is no official booth presence, but I will speak with our friends at Mantic to see if we can provide any "set pieces" to their activation here or a fun component like playing against Spartan or backdrop with folks in similar suits to the game to take photos with. More to come here!

Confirmed "Boots on Ground":

Tentative Responses/Past Attendees:

Hotel Reservations:
AdeptiCon's website provides a link to multiple hotels in area that provide lodging for this event. It is also recommended to utilize SpotHero for parking for this event. With us not having official presence please plan suit up/down accordingly should you be cosplaying.

Badge Purchase: Registration does not open until January 12th, 2025. This will be through their main website.

Dinner Plans: TBD
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I plan to head over to Milwaukee for one of the days of AdiptiCon. I hadn't planned on bringing my suit, but I could be swayed.

NobleofDeath16 - I am happy to help coordinate with any other 405th folks if we want to do something
Im considering coming out for this as well given our relationship with Mantic being grown, they may definitely want a Chief for sure haha
Tentative as of now, not sure if I'll be able to make it just yet seeing how Planet is the weekend prior
I should have more details on this event on Monday as ill be doing a call with Mantic regarding events they may want to work with us at
Do we have any idea on what we will be doing with Mantic / When?
Times are not ironed out yet, but we would be looking to have a photoshoot spot, take photos with players, help promo the game, potentially play it against other people, otherwise just being a centerpiece of their activation. We would also be given some space to promo our community as well. They intend to also make sure we get to enjoy the show and snacks/water will be provided. Its a pretty relaxed partnership. They also may find way to give us goodies but that is not a guarantee at this time.
I'll be there for sure. I put my pto in for that Friday.

Who is getting a hotel room there? I will only need a place to stay Friday night if anyone has room
I'll be there for sure. I put my pto in for that Friday.

Who is getting a hotel room there? I will only need a place to stay Friday night if anyone has room
Right now I’m needing to look at rooms as well, now that I have passed half of my required exams for my job I’m feeling a lil more comfortable in taking time off to look at things

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