Are Star Wars cosplays allowed in the 405th?

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Jr Member
Member DIN
Hey guys! New 405th member here! I was wondering if the 405th accepts Star Wars cosplays like Boba Fett or Captain Rex as an example. I want to do boba fett and if that is not acceptable, then I'll do my Spartan IV from Halo 4. Thanks guys and I await your responses! :)
You can totally do a Star Wars cosplay and write about it here! We have a section called Non-Halo Costumes and Props which is for... well, props and costumes that aren't from the Halo universe. So Star Wars stuff would generally go in that category... unless you wanna get creative and mix and match the two franchises ; )
You're free to share about your Star Wars cosplays in the Non-Halo Costumes and Props section, I remember seeing someone here share their build progress for a suit of power armour from the Fallout series :)
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