Armor Color

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Well-Known Member
I am considering colors for my armor. I am considering a few different color options:
1. White primary and Blue / Steel Blue Secondary
2. A solid blue or midnight blue color
3. and of course standard issue olive drab / green.
The thing I'm really having trouble deciding is weathered vs new look. I was hoping to gather some opinions from the community on what to do. I was thinking that if I went with 1 then I would have a new from the factory look because it would be fashioned after multi player armor/color and that armor isn't weathered or battle torn since you get a new set often...
If I went with the blue or standard green though - I don't have any idea which to choose. So please lend me your opinions folks. (Both on weathered/non weathered and which colors you guys prefer.)
I'm thinking a dark cold-cast aluminum alone will be pretty bloody awesome.. maybe add lots of grime for kicks.

Weathered is definitely better, though, IMO, and of your choices, #1 sounds nice.
I'm definitely feeling the blue. Everyone seems to be doing the weathered look, which looks great, but I think im going to go with the glossy look when I finish mine. It just seems better to me.
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